How to get feminized seeds!!!


Active Member
I know this isnt the right section but IDGAF!! I think everyone should read this and I'm trying to help as many people as I can... so if you dont like it.... FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok I'm going tell of a few different ways to accomplish this tricky but amazingly useful task. Help make this thread a sticky for everyone to read and enjoy!! And please dont be stingy with your +REPS I took a good bit of time typing this up!!! hahahaha

Ok so here we go... The 1st is probably the most difficult to do, but probably the most reliable way. Here are the products and amounts you need for one batch of STS!

What you need:
1. Distilled Water
2. Rubber Gloves
3. Silver Nitrate .5 grams
4. Sodium Thiosulfate (Anhydrous) 2.5 grams
5. Containers to mix solutions in, and something to mix it with. (spoon, wisp, etc...)

1. First you mix .5g (half of a gram) of Silver Nitrate into 500 mL of distilled water in one container. It will take about 15-30 seconds to disolve.
2. Second, mix 2.5g (two and a half grams) of Sodium Thiosulfate into 500 mL of distilled water in a seperate container. This will take about a minute to disolve.
3. Now pour the first container (the Silver Nitrate) into the second container (the Sodium Thiosulfate) while stirring quickly and vigorously!
4. Mix for about 1 minute.
5. What you have now is STS (Silver Thiosulfate Solution).
6. Dillute the STS to a ratio of 1:9 (meaning 100 mL of STS into 900 mL of distilled water.
7. This dilluted solution is then sprayed onto the female plant.
8. Spray onto the plant generously until its dripping off. Do this away from the flowering room and only to the female plants you want to get the polin from. Basically this make female plants grow male flowers. This will be your "PRIME" plant
9. Once the plant dries move it into the flowering room immediately. (12:12 photoperiod)
10. Do this about 5 weeks before the plant you want to get feminized seeds from is ready to be pollinated.
11. About 2 weeks after you move your "PRIME" plant back into the flowering room, you will start to notice male flower clusters.
12. When they seem around the time to crack open and pollinate, move your "PRIME" plant into a seperate room where no pollin can affect any of your plants that you do not want pollinated. Keep it in a closet or a room far away from your other plants, on a 12:12 photoperiod.
13. Take the plants you want to get feminized seeds from into the same room as your "PRIME" plant and let nature take its course. lol
14. Keep under 12:12 and let them finish flowering and start collecting all feminized seeds you can get!!!

***IMPORTANT*** The plant you want to get the feminized seeds from needs to be about 5 weeks behind your "PRIME" plant in growth. So if your "PRIME" plant goes into flowering today, your plant you want to get the seeds from, should go into flowering about 5 weeks after your "PRIME" plant.***IMPORTANT***

The next way to get feminized seeds just increases your chances of getting feminized seeds by 50%.
1. Get regular seeds from wherever. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber.
2. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.
3. Basically, germinate the seeds on paper towels like you normally would but keep a banana peel in the bag, and change bags/paper towels/peels every second or third day to prevent mold. Thanks Hasman for this here trick.

The Next way is the Aspirin technique.
All you need to do this is a bottle of aspirin and some distilled water.
1. Grow seeds like normal (males and females)
2. seperate males and females when they show thier sex.
3. Feed the confirmed females 2 uncoated regular (not extra strength, unless thats all you have) aspirins per gallon of water for 3 consecutive feedings at the beginning of flowering.
4. After about 6 weeks they will start to produce pollen sacks filled with feminized pollen.
5. By the time the pollen sacks are ready, the harvest will be almost done.
6. Use this pollen on the next batch growing.
7. Use the paintbrush technique to pollinate the next batch of females to get feminized seeds. You do this about a week after you put plants into flowering and can tell thier sex.
8. Near the end of harvest collect all the feminized seeds and grow on!!!

Anyone have any questions please send me a message and ill be glad to help you out. Anyone that happens to like this, click that six pointed star to get me some rep points, to show your appreciation. Thanks alot! Hope all helps!!
Well some people dont want to waste money... wannabe growers now adays!

rigghhhhhtt. How much all of that cost you and how long does it take? I'd rather shop and pick what I want to grow next, spend the 30-40 bucks for the 5-10 seeds (depending on specials, could be cheaper) and call it a day :)

I guess if someones bored though, this would be kinda cool to try, just to see, but thats a fricken ton of work when seeds are just a click away :)
Easier, cheaper and more fun to do your own. The only time I would purchase seeds is to get a strain I don't have and can't get a hold of any other way.
rigghhhhhtt. How much all of that cost you and how long does it take? I'd rather shop and pick what I want to grow next, spend the 30-40 bucks for the 5-10 seeds (depending on specials, could be cheaper) and call it a day :)

I guess if someones bored though, this would be kinda cool to try, just to see, but thats a fricken ton of work when seeds are just a click away :)

I think both of those things the nitrate and sodium thio stuff is like 18 bucks total.... and they make 200 litres!!! it comes out to be like 9 cents per litre. The distilled water is 85 cents so this STS solution is cheaper than the water hahahaha it takes about 5 weeks or so to grow the male parts out and get the feminized pollen that you need. Then you put it on your next flowering females, and let them go.... You'll see the seeds in about 4 weeks or so.... But its a hell of a lot cheaper than buying the seeds, and you learn something new!! Plus you get hundreds of seeds from a plant compared to 5-10 seeds for a minimum of $30.00
I have alot of seeds a buddy gave me and I don't want to grow males so is there a way to tell the sex before hand?
Great info indeed, something I will have to try out. where can I pick up products #3, and #4

I have alot of seeds a buddy gave me and I don't want to grow males so is there a way to tell the sex before hand?

There is no way to tell before you plant them, but there are ways to change the sex of the seed before you plant it. Its the second way explained how to get feminized seeds. It increases your chances of getting females by 50%. So if there are 8 males in your batch, you'll end up with about 4 females and 4 males.1. Get regular seeds from wherever. About two weeks before you plan to sprout the seeds, place them in a paper bag or envelope and put that in a plastic bag with the peels of a ripening banana or cucumber.
2. Replace the peels after a couple of days, and change the bags to prevent mold.
3. Basically, germinate the seeds on paper towels like you normally would but keep a banana peel in the bag, and change bags/paper towels/peels every second or third day to prevent mold. Thanks Hasman for this here trick.

If you have any questions hit me up and ill be glad to help you.