How To Germanate!


Well-Known Member
Ok people one thing that i know how to do, its germanate and it is very, very easy. Most people have there own way of germanating, but about 90% of the growers use the pappertowel method. This can be completed in 4 easy steps.

1) Take a pappertowel or napkin (dont use toilet papper or cleanex i herd stories) and get it completly wet then let the watter drain out of the cloth for a little bit, making it damp, and well moist.

2) Place your seeds in the middel of the towel (5-8 seeds per towel) and fold the towel over the seeds making a beener sandwitch.

3) Place the damp papper towel in a ziplock bag and store in a worm light-tight area. (dont put a light on them, its worthless because the seeds are getting all the nutrens and shit that they need from inside the seed.)

4) Ok, there are 2 ways to check when you need to put them in dirt.

a) When the little root pokes out of the shell about a centimeter you can put it in your grow medium about a half inch in to the dirt, worm betting, ect. (making shure that the root is pointing down) As soon as u see those little sunleafs come out of the dirt or whatever then you can turen on your light and set your timer.(if you have one)
b) You can wate for the plant to completly grow out of its shell then put it in your medium. (make shure your plant is completly out of its shell, by then your sunleafs should be formed and have a nice white rood at the bottem. Never take the shell off the plant because it can still be getting its nutrents out of the shell that it need to survive at this state. Unless if when you pick up the plant, and the shell falls off, that means it grew out of its shell and ready to grow.)

******Your lighting should be at 18/6 starting out.******* bongsmilie
:mrgreen: :joint: :peace: Any questions or comments about germanating just ask.:mrgreen: :joint: :peace: