So I was talking with the guys at my local hydro store and they were saying something that blew my mind.
So I've always mixed my base nutrients first and then everything else afterwards. Like they say on many sites, always mix micro first, then everything else. We'll the guys at the hydro store said I should be mixing all additives first, then the base nutrients... On top of that I have always been ph-ing my water first, then adding micro / grow / bloom, then additives... however they were saying you need to mix the ph in at the very end(which now makes sense)
Is this the actual way of doing it?
On top of that I started using "Zero Water" filters to get my ppm down(which always seems to get high). So it gets down to 0ppm, then I ph the water, then base nutrients with micro first, then additives...
So the guys at the hydro store said basically do everything I've been doing in reverse... additives first, then base nutrients, then ph..???? They basically said if your water is 0 ppm there is nothing to ph so you add the ph in the very end...They were saying I also need to suppliment with calmag since im getting my ppm to 0(I thought you only needed calmag when using RO but I guess it makes sense to use if there is no micro nutrients in the water since its getting to 0 ppm).
So I've always mixed my base nutrients first and then everything else afterwards. Like they say on many sites, always mix micro first, then everything else. We'll the guys at the hydro store said I should be mixing all additives first, then the base nutrients... On top of that I have always been ph-ing my water first, then adding micro / grow / bloom, then additives... however they were saying you need to mix the ph in at the very end(which now makes sense)
Is this the actual way of doing it?
On top of that I started using "Zero Water" filters to get my ppm down(which always seems to get high). So it gets down to 0ppm, then I ph the water, then base nutrients with micro first, then additives...
So the guys at the hydro store said basically do everything I've been doing in reverse... additives first, then base nutrients, then ph..???? They basically said if your water is 0 ppm there is nothing to ph so you add the ph in the very end...They were saying I also need to suppliment with calmag since im getting my ppm to 0(I thought you only needed calmag when using RO but I guess it makes sense to use if there is no micro nutrients in the water since its getting to 0 ppm).