How to delete uploaded pics?


Well-Known Member
I want to delete the pics I have uploaded, why is this not a option? Can a admin not delete them?


RIU Bulldog
They are now property of RIU.
It's safer to use a third party hosting site or use the attachment manager to upload your pics.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Don't listen to these guys, they post all the time even though they don't know anything about it. Our moderators will delete your pictures if you ask them nicely. Send a PM to Mary Janey or Ella Jean, and they will help you.



Well-Known Member
There must be some time delay set up between the time you post pictures as attachments and the time you can delete them. I'm not sure how long because I just figured this out today, but since I've only been a member for about 6 months and it seems that only my earliest picture posts allow me the option to delete them, we can estimate that it's 6 months at the most. Maybe it's something else, but this should be looked into so we know for sure.

Here's how:
1. Click Myrollitup. Located top right, next to Log Out.
2. Click Attachments under My Settings > Miscellaneous.
3. Click Show Thumbnails near the bottom of the page.
4. Click the check boxes that are available on the right side of the page.
5. Click Delete Selected.