how to deal with blueberry?


Well-Known Member
Well, I grew it and was disappointed. The only plant in 12 that got caterpillars, About 25% moldy buds because of how dense they were and it never cured just right. I've heard great things about it though.


Well-Known Member
Well, it wasn't suppose to be. They all started in a backyard green house but I planted early (first time) and they out grew the thing.
I had to remove the roof. So yea, outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Ive never grown it myself, but have done alot of reading because it was my first choice for a grow originally. Some people have great results, but there seemed to be alot of people that found it a finicky plant... not the best for someone who doesn't know mj very well


Well-Known Member
ultra ultra FINICKY as i would put it and thought it was funny you said it as well

it just does not like ANY stress at all and it seems that it carries this trait into alot of hybrids made with bluee pure blue hermied for me because one day half way throug hbloom the temps spiked due to my ac messing up outa 4 diff strains i had in their the blue was the only one to hermie and the only one to be so affected by it i wouldnt try to grow blue unless you have alot of time and patience to deal with searching for the sturdiest pheno and then fine tunig your room so it doesnt freak out on you
i grow blueberry right now, along with white widow and big bud. i like the blueberry, had no problems so far.i got about 40 plants that are blueberry,they all grew the same , huge and bushy and healthy, taking almost whatever level of nutes i put to them.they love it

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
BB is a pretty finaky strain...ive had it for about 5 years now and i can count how many GOOD plants ive had on one hand. Not to say the others were shitty...but ive had hermies, nute issues , shitty cloning sucess...but thats BB in a nutshell lol....great strain but a lil harder to work with geneticly.
i dont now the company that the seed came from but it was all clones from a buddies mother plant. the finish product i seen from him was purplish color very beautiful.and my set up is 9 1000 watt lights 5 gallon pots in sunshine mix.and i use AN.currently im in flowering so i use connosier a and b, bud ignitor and bud candy. i used sensi grow a and b, sensi cal, and b-52, plus voodoo for veg.i got pics if anyone is interested, im new to this forum, i dont know how to upload pictures? some help woud be nice. ,just tryin help some people since this forum its helped me so much in the past


Well-Known Member
i had a local blueberry running around and i had blue hash from dinafem both hermed


Well-Known Member
It can be a little picky, but I absolutely love it. Not a heavy feeder at all, but once you dial her in look out. She's phenomenal.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 in my flower room now just about 9 or 10 days now. they are doing fine but i do have the mother that was loosing all her bottom leaves. i bought some seabird guano and it has picked up and showing new growth. i had a hell a time cloning out of 4 i saved 1 but ive been growing about 6 months when i got em. i kept her alive all winter and worked at it now i have a bunch of nice viable clones.if ya want to see um click on link at bottom of post


Active Member
If its DJ shorts blueberry then grow it, I had a super good experience and it wasnt prone to mold. Like i said if it isn't DJ shorts don't bother.

The buds are popcorn like and small and dense, I topped it twice and got a nice even canopy. It isn't to leafy either.


Well-Known Member
My buds were about as long as your fore arm. I got around a pound off her in my green house.
She wasn't DJ short though. I grew Dutch Passion.


Active Member
I had good luck with DJ Shorts BB, but haven't found another I like again. Will have to look up where I got my last BB bean from, she tasted the best of any, and a great high... but took 14 weeks and had small yield. Worth a personal one now and again, but it was touchy, I wouldn't recommend the strain for a beginner.


Well-Known Member
I grow Joey Weed's BB which is an F2 of Dj Short's BB. I started with 3 different phenos (I was surprised how stable and uniform they were for F2's). They were all good and all had at least a faint touch of blueberry smell to them. 1 plant was standout though. The 2 I didn't keep I found to be very finicky. My keeper pheno wasn't as finicky as the others and I've been growing her with pretty good success. She has an almost overpowering sweet, blueberry fragrance, so much so, that a friend of mine had a couple of nugs in his truck and his daughter thought he had blueberry donuts! lol! The potency on BB isn't usually the greatest but you should be able to find a keeper with decent potency. My keeper doesn't yield well though. She clones super easy and roots fast, as did all 3 phenos. All in all, I would definitely recommend blueberry to someone who has had at least a couple of grows under their belt. I've found she likes organic ferts and I find she does better in soil than soilless and she seems to really like Fox Farms nutes. Anything else I use seems to burn her. As for mold? I've had a few issues with mold during curing. I find I have to keep a close eye on her and burp the jars a bit longer than I normally would due to how dense the nugs are. She tends to foxtail a bit if temps aren't ideal. One of my phenos was all foxtail buds no matter what I did (I didn't keep that one). The buzz is one of my favorites! She has a nice, mellow, euphoric high that's not too overpowering, so I can get things done or I can just relax. It tends to put that cheesy, perma-grin on my face! Best of luck and happy growing.:weed:

Joey Weed Blueberry:



Chem Dawg

New Member
Definitely a touchy strain. Due to a hermie I had to chop a Dutch passion blueberry early last week to save the rest of my crop. It matured really quickly and I think was over ripe going into week 8.