How should I go about watering ? Specially if watering dry soil with liquid ferts


Well-Known Member
id like to get my watering down, so it can be just moist like when bottom watering(like how the soil only absorbs what it can hold and not excess completely wet )..

u know like the day or a few after u top water, and it’s moist not completely wet soil looks dry but Is damp-moist & pot is light

to achieve tht would I go about it like…

First 1-3 watering water to 10% run off or slight drip. Make sure tht soil becomes hydrolyphic so It just doesn’t run thru without absorbing..

Then (cause I read somewhere )
You wait till 10-15%, maybe higher % of the water in the soil to be used & and water in with 10-15% of what you initially used or
Just go by weight of the pot before and after

Go by weight so u can determine how much is needed and when it’s enough water

What do y’all think ?
So from the research I have done, I have not heard anyone recommending watering rhe soils to run off. I cant say wether what you are suggesting is good or not but I can share with you how I approach my watering that has given me really good results amd you can take from it what you like.

Firstly, watering is not an exact formula. There are multiple factors to consider. Plant size, stage of plant lifecycle (esrly veg, veg, early flower etc) and enviromental conditions are things to consider.

For mature plants, I would recommend 10-15% the soils volume every 2 to 3 days depending. So for example, Monday I will give the plants 5% volume and then Wednesday 5% again. For younger plants I will do 10% every 4 days.

I water the plants daily because I like to have the top layer wet because I use organic material in the form of top dressing to feed my plants.

There are signs that you can look out for that will help you learn whats too much or too little. If you have gnats, too much. If you water the plants and you have run off out the sides of your pots, not enough.

I switch between using a pressure sprayer and watering the plants normally. I prefer the sprayer but its time consuming and I want the more concentrated flow of normal watering vs the mist if the sprayer.

My recommendation is that journal your watering approach for aslong ad you need to get to that sweet spot. The plants will make it very clear whats good and whats not.