How should I create my soil mix?

Hello all. So I have quite a few plants vegging under T5's and their just sprouts right now and I plan on transplanting them outdoors in early early June but anyways - I have a lot of amendments that I need to mix into my base soil but Im not so sure as to what ratio. So here's my base soil - 1/3 perlite 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 worm castings made in 7.5 gallon batches.

Now for my amendments I have - 12 pounds kelp, 11 pounds indonesian bat guano, 11 pounds seabird guano, 10 pounds alfalfa meal, 4 pounds crab shell, 5 pounds green sand, over 75 pounds of various rock dusts, and 3.5 pounds blood and bone meal. I also have quite a bit of biochar and Diomatacious Earth that I will be adding to the soil aswell. But in what ratio should I be adding all this to each 7.5 gallon batches of base soil?

I know this is quite a big question but I need some light shed and I'd be extremely grateful for anyone that can.


Fin......are you going to put them in pots outside or what ? If into pots you are going to create the growing medium, if into the soil outdoors, you are amending the soil....
I grow in the soil outdoors so weeks prior to setting out the seedlings, I dig in leaf mulch compost along with a handful or two of 16/16/16/ fertilizer and water well to start the incorporation process. With warm ground temps the process does not take long. After doing this, I set out the seedlings, mixing a little compost in with the dirt from the holes. Using this procedure, it is usually not necessary for me to add nutrients until almost bloom time. I have no experience with those other things you have, so good luck with them.
First mix your base soil and add 3-4 cups of rock dust per batch. And 1/2 cup of whatever you're using for ph (lime/oyster).

Then the general rule of thumb is, don't go over 3 cups total of all the other ammendment together. 2-3 cups of nutrient rich amendments per cubic foot is all you need.

So you could use 1 cup kelp, 1 cup alfalfa, 1/2 cup green sand, 1/2 cup high phos guano, and a sprinkle of diatomacious earth of top after you mix everything in and have planted. That is what I would do.
Hello all. So I have quite a few plants vegging under T5's and their just sprouts right now and I plan on transplanting them outdoors in early early June but anyways - I have a lot of amendments that I need to mix into my base soil but Im not so sure as to what ratio. So here's my base soil - 1/3 perlite 1/3 peat moss and 1/3 worm castings made in 7.5 gallon batches.

Now for my amendments I have - 12 pounds kelp, 11 pounds indonesian bat guano, 11 pounds seabird guano, 10 pounds alfalfa meal, 4 pounds crab shell, 5 pounds green sand, over 75 pounds of various rock dusts, and 3.5 pounds blood and bone meal. I also have quite a bit of biochar and Diomatacious Earth that I will be adding to the soil aswell. But in what ratio should I be adding all this to each 7.5 gallon batches of base soil?

I know this is quite a big question but I need some light shed and I'd be extremely grateful for anyone that can.



i would go low around 1/2 cup of kelp ,crab shell ,alfalfa , the 2 guano,and greensand ,
1cup of biochar and 3-4 cup rock dust