How risky is ordering seeds?


Active Member
I would really like to order some bomb ass seeds. Thing is, I am pretty paranoid about doing it.

How risky is it? Obviously, I would change the name on the shipping address but would be having it come to my residence.

Seriously though, have you all heard of anyone getting busted ordering seeds?

I'm only looking at like 10-20 seeds.

Also, I'm looking for a clean, funny high that doesn't smack you in the face when you come down. Any recommendations?


Well-Known Member
Well man I was just like you then one night I just said fuck it lets just do this then 4days later boom the seed really got here so it worked for me one time


Active Member
I would really like to order some bomb ass seeds. Thing is, I am pretty paranoid about doing it.

How risky is it? Obviously, I would change the name on the shipping address but would be having it come to my residence.

Seriously though, have you all heard of anyone getting busted ordering seeds?

I'm only looking at like 10-20 seeds.

Also, I'm looking for a clean, funny high that doesn't smack you in the face when you come down. Any recommendations?
Depends where you from. Seed are legal in the UK. It's only illegal to germinate and grow them. Don't know the status of that in the US.


Active Member
don't order to your residence, get a po box. Also i have heard of peoples orders getting confiscated by the depeartment of homeland security. Just doo some research on the company and make sure they do deliveries in a secretive manner. Good luck


Active Member
you are not allowed to possess cannabis seeds in the USA, at least not my state.... you can get charged with misdemeanor possession for it here...

most of the time however the cops will not charge you with anything for just a few seeds. this is different than ordering them online though, for one thing the only thing that i have heard of happening is customs finds them when they arrive from overseas and replaces them with a seizure letter in your package and you get this instead of your seeds. no other consequences unless there is some other suspicion on you that you are growing and then you might want to be careful and jsut not order em. whatever seedbank you decide to use you should make sure that you get the stealth shipping method even if it costs a bit more.

after having said that, hoping it makes sense since im stoned. ALOT of people on this site have ordered from these types of seedbanks and i have yet to see any posts from people saying anything other than customs got em so you should be fine

ok so now this, DO NOT change the name that it is being shipped to due to the fact that they may never get delivered because your mailman may pretty much know that who lives in your house and if the name is changed he may say " hey this is the wrong person for this address" and return it to sender automaticaly. this doesnt happen alot but it CAN.

also if you order online use a prepaid visa or something of that sort to pay with, probly not a great idea to use your own card even though overseas companys do not have to divulge any info on credit purchases made from within the USA to the authorities in the USA. doesnt mean they wont actually do this but they have no right to look at that info. They will not put forth the manpower, time, or effort for your 10-20 seeds. go with a reputible seedbank, there is lots of info on this site about which ones have the best deals and stealth and are the most reliable.... here is the link to seedbank reviews


Active Member
gah... i hear yuh. looks like I ought to use a prepaid visa and have them shipped to a friends house.

damnit. which one of my non-stoner friends is going to oblige me? i'll need to find someone that doesn't have a big mouth...


Well-Known Member
gah... i hear yuh. looks like I ought to use a prepaid visa and have them shipped to a friends house.

damnit. which one of my non-stoner friends is going to oblige me? i'll need to find someone that doesn't have a big mouth...
if it comes down to taking the risk with ordering to your home/name or involving a 2nd person, it's a better risk to get them shipped to you
much depends on your friend, but the biggest risk to most growers is having someone else knowing about the grow
that said, i did ship to a friends house, he was moving to a MM state, so the 'stars aligned' so to speak


New Member
if it comes down to taking the risk with ordering to your home/name or involving a 2nd person, it's a better risk to get them shipped to you
much depends on your friend, but the biggest risk to most growers is having someone else knowing about the grow
In US the PO box thing isn't such a great idea either. You have to register and provide I.D......
Just to your regular Adddy, just another e-bay item........


Well-Known Member
i've made multiple orders and had a couple two yrs ago get snagged by customs. i jus reodered and those made it.but i've gotten like 30 with 2 picked up by customs.. they jus send ya a letter tellin yu contraband was found being shipped to the name on the will say if yu have any questions about this or claim contact####### .take that piece of paper and throo it in the trash and thats that,,dont make an attempt to claim yur contraband.but it will make yu nervous for a shrt wile because if yure gro is where that letter was sent kinda does somethin to ya,lol.


Well-Known Member
the excuse i though theses were dandilion seeds work alot ...
dont worry if by some small chance they get them and send yu a letter , they will stack it with all the other millions of items seized continually.seed seizures are not worth U.S. officials to persue.


Active Member
so what r some good seed company's that ship to non medicinal states? anyone have any recomendations and xperience in a non medicinal state buying seeds? let us know...would be very helpful.

Brick Top

New Member
I would really like to order some bomb ass seeds. Thing is, I am pretty paranoid about doing it.

How risky is it? Obviously, I would change the name on the shipping address but would be having it come to my residence.

Seriously though, have you all heard of anyone getting busted ordering seeds?

I'm only looking at like 10-20 seeds.

Also, I'm looking for a clean, funny high that doesn't smack you in the face when you come down. Any recommendations?

The risk is minimal at most, the buying seeds part anyway. Growing is more risky because far to many people will tell their pals and loose lips sink ships.
The tip about using a P.O. box is pretty much worthless if you live in the U.S. To get a P.O. box you have to supply all your personal identification using a valid acceptable form of identification so if by chance your beans were discovered at any point the Post Office knows where you actually live and if the cozzers ask them they will supply the info.
The whole fear of the post office or fear of signing for beans is caution inflated to the point of paranoia.
If your beans clear Customs the package will not be inspected again after that. It will only be delivered. The only way someone at your local post office might ever possibly find your bean order is if a piece of equipment used to process mail has some malfunction and the package is torn open by the piece of equipment and your beans are in clear sight.
If that happens a P.O. box will be of no help since the P.O. would just call the cozzers and give them the order/package and your info and they could just come and visit you for a chat any time they desired.
Here’s the deal. Pick a QUALITY seedbank, names can be provided if you want them.
ONLY purchase beans from quality breeders and avoid those of lesser quality that a seedbank may offer for sale.
Use your real information, do not soil yourself over fear of using a credit card or a debit card. All billing/credit card/debit card information will say something like Bobby’s Bits or Suzy’s Novelties or something, it will not say A+ ILLEGAL MARIJUANA SEED COMPANY on any statements or as the return address on the package your order is shipped in.
The most important thing when it comes to growing is the first two rules are very much like the first two rules of "Fight Club." Rule number one, you do not talk about fight club. Rule number two, YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB!" The same goes with growing .. you NEVER tell ANYONE. NEVER!
If you are cautious .. and I DO NOT MEAN PARANOID LIKE SO MANY PEOPLE CAN BE, you will be just fine.

You mentioned the sort of high you want ... well that Sonny Jim is a sativa high.

You may care to consider the strain below from Reeferman.

Willie Nelson
1st place 2005 High Times Cannabis Cup - Best Sativa

Indoor / outdoor

An F1 hybrid between Vietnamese Black and Highland Nepalese.

Its Willie favourite smoke, he tried it once and bought the whole crop. What else do you need to know?

How about a sweet and sour, lemon grassy flavour and a reasonable 10-14 week flowering time.

Good mould resistance and a friendly, soaring high round out the package .

Indoor flowering 10-14 weeks
Outdoor flowering Late November
/ Variation: 3 / Od or Level: 3.5 / Mo ld Resistance: 4.5 / Yield: 4 / Ease of Growth: 4 / Feed Level: 4.5 / Stretch: 2.5-3x Sativa/Indica: 100/0


Active Member
I wouldnt mind if you dropped a few quality banks. im a first time buyer and am a lil skeptical,but i guess growing da herb is actualy scarrier. drop some names.
I have read several stories where seeds were seized and the local HIGHWAY PATROL and local SHERRIFS DEPT were contacted and investigated.. I have seen cases where people ordered seeds, they got seized, the highway patrol and sherrif arrested the people and charged them with "interstate drug trafficking".. I am looking for links right now. Im not saying this is common or even slightly common.. But it has happened.. I think its total BS that that was done but I do believe it is true as I have read several cases posted several places saying this.


Active Member
Kind of relevant: a friend of mine bought some prescrip meds from mexico. Hell, I dunno what, but they got thru and she was pleased. She went a lot bigger in her order second time, and got a letter saying it was siezed and she could call .....bla blah. Needless to say, she never went to claim it, and that was 2 yrs ago.

Ive smoked with her this week, so I guess they aint come yet. Of course, Im paranoid about buying seeds, but sooner or later, ima want some flavors to mix ...:mrgreen: