How redneck can you get

I had one large (14”) plant and 4 babies about 4” tall growing outside in a large pot only little over half filled with miracle grow veg. soil, the larger had not reached the stage where I could tell what sex it was.
Long story but had to move to unfinished, damp, leaky basement without any lighting for 4 days, when checked it was covered with white and red pistils. Now have it on an irregular lighting schedule. I am so mistreating it. Very basic on lighting as I'm a person that knows nothing about hanging lights and such. I have a 4 ft 2 bulb fluorescent (cool I think) hanging over it. I have a 2 ft 1 bulb (what ever comes with them) standing beside her and 1, 3 ft grow lite standing on other side. I’ve got a 500 watt halogen shinging on it from about 5 ft. Have white poster board on two sides, also have a 150 watt spot light on it. Keep fan running during day, it bounces off opp. wall and keeps it moving pretty good.
Now in it’s 4th week of flowering I think (my how times flies when your high). To me she looks great (she's my first that I've ever not gotten paranoid about and pulled up). I've given her miricle grow and sprayed with a veg. bug spray. Read where someone said they remove large leaves to allow buds to get more light so I’ve done that.
I started 4 more seedlings and closed off an area with black plastic. Keeping them on 2 4 ft grows and 2 cools, 24/7. One is growing twice as fast, although the others are hanging on. I lower the plastic at night to close them off from my little lady, plus put cardboard around her just in case and leave only the light on the little ones.
Again this is very basic and redneckish (and proud of it). Thing is guy’s and gal’s, I’m a 57 yr old smokin nana. I’ve never been able to see a plant reach even this stage so I don’t know really how I’m doin. I’m probably not going to change my lighting system except to add some more grows and paint the walls. Can’t control the humidity except through fan and an electric heater in winter that will keep it about 50. Is that too cold? I am also using the spot light for heat on the big girl.
Any cheap suggestions? Please be honest about my plant and lie like hell about my setup. thanks, judy (not my real name)
I’ve tried to send plenty of pictures of the setup and plants.



Active Member
I bet your humidity is like 80% - you will have a good chance of developing mold. Either need to seal the grow area (like a grow tent) and properly ventilate it, or get a dehumidifier.

50 degrees minimum temp is ok, again if you sealed the grow area you would have a much easier to control environment.


Well-Known Member
considering the conditions your plant is growing in I would have to say gud job. looks like you will have sum smoke thats for sure and it doesnt look bad. not that dense but at least it has trichs
It is a sad grow, I looked at Crypnotic's pics. from 08/05 and I could probably do something like his setup. So do you have a seperate setup for continuous growing? I know she is sad also but still I'm proud that I finally had the nerve to get one this far, and now that I've got "something" setup in the basement, I can continue to add on and change until I get crops like yours.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure a tanning bed is the same light spectrum as grow lights. Not positive.
i was thinking that but i seen one in action and it seems to be almost a black light color coming out, but im not sure if they would work or not
Ok, I'm so jealous, and being a gardner/plant lover, I think your plants are lovely. I drool at some of the pictures I see of different strains and sizes.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I'm so jealous, and being a gardner/plant lover, I think your plants are lovely. I drool at some of the pictures I see of different strains and sizes.
If that tanning bed works you should totally make a grow chamber. Way more light than you have now.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I think your doing a fine job for your first time out and you have proven that these odd configurations of lights can work. Eventually you should invest into hps lighting to do your budding.
So, knowing nothing about lighting, can I replace the current bulbs with grow lites and if so hang each side up side down for a ceiling of lights? Or would it be better to hang one on the wall and the other on ceiling? "I know" I'm dreaming


Well-Known Member
I would try and hang them both in a half circle over the top of the plants and put your plants right in a line underneath. You can pick up chain and hooks cheap at a hardware store.