How often spray the fresh clones with water?

Good day all

I would like to know that how often do you spray with water your clones?

cause I usually spray them 3-4 times a day in the first week, than once a day for one-two more weeks. 14-21 days and they root in 99%

So one of my friend said that he spray them only once!! when take the cuts and in a closed propagator box they are rooting in 3 weeks without any more water spraying. he says its no good to spray them daily cause it makes slower the rooting.

what do you say? how often should I spray them?

I use rootriot plugs/rockwool/jiffy with Clonex gel.

they usually root within 2-3 weeks...

so how often is the optimal?
I dont spray clones after I cut them.
I normally use a prop (if needed) with coco or plugs soaked beforehand, I cut them plant them, after 10/14 days most have rooted with the odd straggler sometimes.

I doubt spraying them daily will do any harm but I'm happy getting by with the minimalist approach.
Don't spray the clones, spray the dome.. You want high humidity not wet clones..
100% right

only time ever to spray is last report when forexample u see a plant that’s wilting from shipping and it’s showing the foliage is drying/wilt. or I’ve had my medium a lil dry and the foliage to wilt before rooted and I sprayed em and whatcha know it helped. Besides that spraying em will promote rot and molds to destroy ur plant. So many times even not sprayed I’ve had rooted plants but the top rotted and ruined the plant
100% right

only time ever to spray is last report when forexample u see a plant that’s wilting from shipping and it’s showing the foliage is drying/wilt. or I’ve had my medium a lil dry and the foliage to wilt before rooted and I sprayed em and whatcha know it helped. Besides that spraying em will promote rot and molds to destroy ur plant. So many times even not sprayed I’ve had rooted plants but the top rotted and ruined the plant

Thanks. Much appreciated.