How often should i feed?


Hi, hope sum1 can help me out. Ive got some white widow 4 wks old, growing in bio-bizz. I am currently watering every two days as my cupboard is very small and very hot 91- 94 . I was watering every 3rd day, but plants were drying out too quickly, due to the heat. I have hesi nutes, which I started with last night at half strength, should I use nutes every time I water? :confused:


Well-Known Member
no u will burn them. Just do whatever is says on bottle starting at 1/2 str.
I personally do mine in this order.

1) Water with nutrients @ 1/4 strength
2) Water only (ph 6.5-7.0)
3) Flush
4) Repeat

I am typically watering every 2 days so my plants get a good flush about once a week. Might be excessive, but my plants are very happy and healthy and I have no issues. I like to minimize my nutrient use, so the amount I use is just a preference, but I like my results. :)

That's my two cents. Happy growing!