How often should I change my bong water?


Well-Known Member
I go by taste. Looks can be deceiving, as it may look kinda brown and dirty, but still taste fine. Now the time length of how many bowls that is is different with every bong. Change it when it grosses you out. I know guys that change bong water daily. And some who only clean it when I come over and bitch about how disgusting the sludge in his bong is...


i clean mine every day some times twice a day and i clean my bowl and slide after every session. really its on you when ever ya feel like it needs cleaned clean it


Every 4 months.. i like to wait until that White cloudy growth floats around in the water...You know, like when you let Calibration solution sit in the light!

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Before i change my underwear I tuck my hand between my buttcheeks and sweep it across once more to get left over residue before I throw my titty-whiteys in the washer.