How much will I yield with current set-up! +rep for advice! Pics

You should expect to learn a lot..... yield predictions are next to impossible, if you can pull an oz per plant with those cfl's you should be happy with that. good luck with your grow.
First off, your plants are showing signs of deficency, you need to get that in line before you think about flowering and yield. I would go as far to tell you if you got even a half ounce a plant from the CFL's you'd be doing well. The amount of room doesn't help you with yield, light intensity does.
Such hostility!

Anyways, was just looking for a rough estimate as this is my second time at it. First time I had almost completed the process but inexperience was the problem. I'm trying to learn as I grow which I have a lot. I may have put in a purchase for a 400w hps set up but just making sure I get everything right.

These are in their 3rd week so I was wondering if they looked healthy and perhaps large enough for the respective time in it's phase.


Well-Known Member
That wasn't hostility, not from anyone. Around here hostility is pretty nasty and you'll know it for sure when you see it. :)


Well-Known Member
That wasn't hostility, not from anyone. Around here hostility is pretty nasty and you'll know it for sure when you see it. :)
Yeah, there are some very angry and mean people here. :-(

To increase your yield, especially when working with flouros, look into these techniques: LST, Topping, Super-cropping, SOG and ScrOG. If used well, they will all greatly increase your yield.

In general, expect 1/4-1/2 gram per watt of lighting if you're a skilled plant tender already, expect less for every newbie mistake. Maybe 75-150 grams assuming you have ideal light distribution and nothing goes wrong. If you're an exceptionally skilled grower (or a professional) with a nearly perfect growing environment you can get as high as 1 gram per watt or higher.

I agree about your plants being hungry.


Active Member
youll not get much yield if you dont sort that nute burn problem out .
I would say about a half oz a plant if your lucky . Those envirolite light give nice weed but not as nice and dence as hps lighs would give you . The pic 7 is not lack of nitrogen , it is too much nitrogen, As lack of nitrogen the leafs stay healthy . Another sign of too much nitrogen is the very dark leafs , thet should be nice and healthy green , you think about it , winter time the grass outside is dark cos of all the rain , and when it comes to summer the grass is always green and helthier . I would also move them lights above the plants instead of having them up the way you have them .


Well-Known Member
I would also move them lights above the plants instead of having them up the way you have them .
Actually, side lighting can be more efficient then top lighting. Maximum light distribution across maximum number of bud sites will give maximum yield.

Many indoor growers put their lights on top because it is easiest to manage, not because it is ideal for the plants. Outdoors, from sunrise to sunset, the sun moves AROUND the plant, hitting it from every angle in a 180 degree arc. Overhead light movers don't even simulate the side light penetration of the sun.
I had a similar cfl setup for my first grow. I got a half an oz a plant with 3 plants. I think I could have done a lot better than that though. You can probably get an oz a plant. I would suggest a short veg period because the cfls dont penatrate very well. The lower buds stayed pretty airy.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate.... Im on my first grow..... Im expecting the worst and hoping for the best..... <<<< i think that is good advice for you.......

Thing is mate. When someone ask's the Q how much yield will i get from these, there is no straight answer for you.... Personally i have never asked that Q because i have read many of the same Q time and time again, as some of the other grower's will have too.

People will often get annoyed with this as it show's that you have not done much reading... ( Im not having a go mate ) just thought i would say why you get negative feedback on that Q...



Well-Known Member
The plant looks small, and if you've already started flowering I would say 12-14 grams dry. (45 or so wet)

If not, give that bitch some nutes!! She looks starving.


Active Member
wtf how longs a peice of string your plants are fucking tiny and your asking what you can expect to yield lol