How much will I bring in?


Active Member
I have 10 plants all varying from 1.2 - 2.1 meters long, just going into flowering stage. how many ounces do you think i will get in total?

thx cant wait to harvest!


Well-Known Member
I would say 18 pounds....

Ok so I am fucking with you.... You cant honestly think someone will tell you from the info you provided do you?
First off, what kinda lights you using? what strain are you growing ? What are your conditions of your growroom or are you growing outside?

Do you know any of this info? please share?


Well-Known Member
I have 10 plants all varying from 1.2 - 2.1 meters long, just going into flowering stage. how many ounces do you think i will get in total?

thx cant wait to harvest!
for what its worth - five ounces or less if you stumbled through the grow and five pounds or more if you had the right plants and know what you're doing.

this large range and all of the variables that effect it are why no one gives good yield estimates.