How much weed can expect from a plant this size?


Active Member
Ok, so i've got two 'decent' sized plants, and two smaller ones ( about half the size of these two)

If i switched them into flowering, what would the estimated final dried weight of the harvest would be?

Thanks, I haven't got a clue as this is my first grow.


The Boy

Well-Known Member
cross your fingers and hope neither are male too, or you'll lose half of that expected yield.


Well-Known Member
maybe a zip... if that, there not to bushy...and bigger pots.. at least a gallon per foot, my babies are in day 6 of flowering at 16 inches tall and 3 gallon pots... check my journal/


Active Member
Thanks for the tip, I might think about larger pots..
Its not heat or over watering, its over overfeeding.
The majority of the weed grows up the main stem anyway, so aslong as i get an ounce i'll be happy, its all been a bit of an experiment really, i got the seeds in bag i bought off some guys in a chicken shop when i was very very drunk. I'll probably take my next grow alot more seriously, and definately use a proper light at the start.

But hey, thanks for all your help

PS they are all female.