How much water per 5gal bag?


Well-Known Member
Is there any hard/fast rule as to how much water i should put in each bag? My first watering after transplant, I just split 1 gallon among the four plants, So 1/4th gallon each.

I got ok at watering solo cups, not real sure on these 5gal bags full of soil :D

When I watered soil, I watered at the stalk. Slow. Let it settle, then more, let it settle. Stop when you get run off or if you know your about to if it's organic.
I typically water per plant needs rather than what the pot will hold. If I went from solo to 5 gal (which I dont) I would give normal sips at first and some extra outwards from from the root ball. Then gradually increasing as it consumes more and more. One of my biggest plants in 8th week of flower takes 1 gal every day and a half. I'm a newbie also but I don't see the reason to drench a 5 gal pot with a gallon of water for a solo transplant.