How much water for one gallon soil medium


How much water should i give my babies, like the size of a coke can or a half gallon? Should I get the hole bucket wet with water and let it drain?
Quick and simple thx.bongsmilie (In 1 gallon buckets, drys up in under 2 days)


Active Member
I use one gallon pots with fox farm ocean forest and put about cups of water or nute mix every 24 hours but I did make sure soil was good and wet before the seed went in


Well-Known Member
Hes got it. Soak it, and let it dry out, then soak it again. When growing in soil i sometime let my plants start to droop before watering again.


Well-Known Member
this was a question that i searched for a while on, wasn't easy to find the 'standard' method
i did find a fair number of posts that mentioned 1/4 the volume of the pot, so one quart per gallon of soil
has worked well for me, though many seem to do it by feel