how much should i get?


Active Member
hi i dont know proces well, but i can get high regs for (7 grams) 50$ I as wondering if thats a good price. or i can get (14 grams) for 130. I am not sure if this is a good price or not but this is how the dealer goes.

help me out anyone?


Well-Known Member
is both the same? if so buy the 7g for 50..... save the money. 10 bucks cheaper for every half saves lots o money in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Well the way me and most of my friend see it Regs are still regs. We can get some fire reggies for $25 (7 grams), And we get 14 grams (half o) for $40. Thats the way it works here in florida. But maybe your getting something more like MIDS not regs.


Well-Known Member
hi i dont know proces well, but i can get high regs for (7 grams) 50$ I as wondering if thats a good price. or i can get (14 grams) for 130. I am not sure if this is a good price or not but this is how the dealer goes.

help me out anyone?
14 of regs for 130 is a rip off. i get 28 of good regs for 145

Green Gaia

Active Member
I think different regions have different prices, i guess it really depends on where you live and how much money you are willing to spend.