How much should I get?


Well-Known Member

I'm about to grow about twenty PURPLE GRANDADDY plants and I was wondering how much is the max weight I can expect, giving the right nutrients, light, and overall care of the plants.



New Member
Impossible question to answer, my friend. Without knowing what your growing environment is, what size light you'll be using ... and your skill level, anyone trying to answer your question is shooting in the dark.



Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
With decent conditions you will probably get a half ounce per plant...if you have perfect conditions throughout you can get a lot more...
Hope for the best, expect the worst!
Good luck!

That is my shot in the dark...just do your best and then come back and tell us how much you got.


Well-Known Member
Impossible question to answer, my friend. Without knowing what your growing environment is, what size light you'll be using ... and your skill level, anyone trying to answer your question is shooting in the dark.

My growing environment is an old storage room that is 6 feet wide, 7 in a half feet high and 15 ft. long. I have all the panda paper up (PVC foil) with 2 600 Watt HPS lights. I'm using the Dutch method in growing. I have the room all ventalited with all the right equipment. I spent about $2000 on the set up of the room alone. I believe I have an excellent/ expert environment , however I have little growing experience, but have many friends that are going to help me out on the whole growing process. With these conditions how much u think I could harvest at max? just a estimate of 20 perfect plants.


Well-Known Member
It depends on how long you veg them. If you veg for 2 months and then flower them and all of the conditions are right I can see you getting a yield of 3-4 pounds off of 20 females.