How much shock does transplanting cause?


Active Member
I was wondering because I have a few plants that I want to put into flower immediately, but one is in a smaller pot. Would I do better to put it in a larger pot and directly into flower the same day or not transplant at all?


New Member
When i transplanted my 2 week from a 1 gallon pot to a 10 gallon pot i watered it with half a gallon of water let it sit for about and hour then i taped the pot on the ground lightly ! then i tiped the pot upside down it came out and there was soooo much roots it was krazy ! only two weeks old ! then i put it right away into the 10 gallon pots ... some people say its best to transplanet under moon light .// i transplanted under midday it took only 2 days for it to recover and when it did it shought out leaves left and right !


Active Member
after you transplant, water your plants with a B1 solution to relieve transplant shock


New Member
I transplant a 2 week old and i fucked up bad. Soil falling off roots. Top of plant bending 180 degress. Exposed roots. Didnt even phase her!! She held up great. But as the other said lots of water.

So best bet is to do this when its almost dark time since its going to put the plant in sleep mode and that will help reduce stress


New Member
Oh yea forgot to say i used 1/2 a teaspoon of superthrive to a gallon of distilled water to help my gurl underthe stress... i cant say she was even root bound before i transplantd her.


Well-Known Member
Just water tip up side down let it slide out and put it in its new home, don't get all crazy with it, if that causes stress your doing something wrong.