how much nutrients and water?

Hey guys so this is my first time ever growing. I will be growing outdoors, in a warm area. 75-85 degrees f. usually. Think i have everything figured out. Growing the seeds in a mini green house for about 10 days til they sprout. Moving them to like six inch diameter growing cups til they hit about 2 or 3 inches. Then moving them to the 3 gallon growing tubs for their life. Few things im wondering.
- what are some good and easy seeds that produce a lot of thc?
- when should i ATTEMPT to sex them?
- what nuts should i buy? thinking jacks classic and jacks blossom bloom stuff. how much should i use and how often?
- how often should i water them?
- should i really use the tubs or should i just throw em in the ground?
- do i need super thrive when transplanting them?
any help would be FANTASTIC! thanks guys
Hey guys so this is my first time ever growing. I will be growing outdoors, in a warm area. 75-85 degrees f. usually. Think i have everything figured out. Growing the seeds in a mini green house for about 10 days til they sprout. Moving them to like six inch diameter growing cups til they hit about 2 or 3 inches. Then moving them to the 3 gallon growing tubs for their life. Few things im wondering.
- what are some good and easy seeds that produce a lot of thc?
- when should i ATTEMPT to sex them?
- what nuts should i buy? thinking jacks classic and jacks blossom bloom stuff. how much should i use and how often?
- how often should i water them?
- should i really use the tubs or should i just throw em in the ground?
- do i need super thrive when transplanting them?
any help would be FANTASTIC! thanks guys

Jacksclassic 20-20-20 and jacks blossom booster 10-30-20 are great!!!!

1/4-1/2 teaspoon every THIRD watering.. (ive used up to a tablespoon w/ out any bad effects per gallon)

The best soil fert out there.. good choice bro! :)

This is what you need, the duo>>
thanks man appreciate it! ok so every third often do i water them? do i water them once a day? does that mean fert every three days?
1 gallon per watering? do i use the classic from seed or after they are 2-3 inches high? when do i switch to blossom booster?
Sorry, just a little nervous, first time growing dont want to waste money!
Read the threads and you can learn all you need to know. This forum has it all, there's also some great books out there. The Marijuana Growers Guide comes to mind check that out for a quick read. Good luck.