how much more height should i expect?should i remove foliage?


Well-Known Member
Any advice appreciated :)

Ok so im in week 5 now,
1, How much more height should i expect ?? there almost at the top!!
2, Will the growth near the tops thats been heat stressed affect yield? The tops are slightly burnt from where the tops on a couple grew into the shade . The Shade is cool enough to touch but they obviously didnt like it .
3, Is there anyway i can bend the tops over now?
4, I have loads of foliage , should i look to remove some of this and if so where from , lower/top ? The lower of the plant is getting hardly any light.
6, Some of the mid to lower leaves are falling off , even perfectly healthy looking leaves , is this normal?
7, There is a pic of the bottom of one of the stems also , does the black showing through look normal? It feels sturdy enough.
Strain=Exodus Cheese Greenhouse Seeds
Veg time=5 weeks
1.2m Grow Tent
600w HPS
Day/Night 25c/20c20150120_092410.jpg20150120_092432.jpg 20150120_092448.jpg 20150120_092526.jpg 20150120_092540.jpg 20150120_092659.jpg
Rez 18c
Vitalink Nute Range + Silcon+ Multi total + rot stop + Magne Cal
PH 5.7 - 6.2
EC 1.9

pics taken 1 week ago so the plants are now about 2 inches taller :)
some pics taken just now , you can see how close to the shade the front 2 are compared to the back 2. Could someone confirm that the stripes on the leaves are from heat stress?20150124_094331.jpg20150124_094335.jpg 20150124_094401.jpg


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It's hard to tell. You should try taking pictures with the lights off. But everything looks pretty good to me. Yes leaves yellowing and falling off is normal and depending on the strain the stretch should have stopped by now. You really need to fix that light a lot higher but the light toxicity doesn't seem like it might damage the plant or affect yield
thx ,

They`ve just started the 5th week since flip (day 30) you think they will grow much more? The shade is already all the way up to the roof connected by cable ties.Could i bend them at all? The problem i seem to have is that when i try bending the leaves close to the top touch the shade or should i bend them over further?
I think you are in trouble. If you can't move that light up or train them away you will have to start cutting.

Too close, colas won't develop well.
thx nomo , can i bend them over this late in flower ? why wont they develop that close if they stop vertically?

Colas seem to be the last thing to grow vertically, and you are already way too close the light already.


If you get into the red or even close to it, you will see the top of the cola will be stunted and there will be no bud, just a couple of sugar leaves coming out the side of a stem.
ok so can i train them over now ? maybe add some more netting and tuck the tops under? or will this stress the plant to much?
Ok so i gave it a go and managed to bend them over as far as this , the colas are almost horizontal on the ones i bent.I also pulled the 2 at the front by the main stem back into the corners to pull them away from the light and allow more light through the canopy.Will the tops of the colas return to the vertical position from the bend? Do they look ok now or need to be moved further? tia.
centre of canopy,
back right

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To super-crop (bending the tops over) all you have to do is put your thumb and pointer finger around where you want to bend it...squeeze tightly and start rolling the stem back and forth between your fingers. You'll feel the fiber start to break down and soften and that is the time you bend it over.

Don't worry about it being all limp and a day or two it'll knot-up and be as strong as the rest of the stem.

Note: This doesn't work as well when the stem is all woody feeling....but can be done.
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