How Much Light During The Dark Phase Is Too Much?


Active Member
I've always been a perfectionist with making sure I have absolutely no light leaks, not even a tiny tiny pin hole leak, when it's dark in my room, it's DARK.
I just had to put a new heater in, and the heater has, #1 a digital readout, and #2 a pretty dim red led light ring around the dial you use to set the temp with. So, I am kinda concerned about that...the light is barely even visible, and it's above my light fixture. What you think, should I worry?

Also, on the same subject but a different scenario...
I have a friend who grew a couple plants in his vegetable garden last year, and about 30-40 ft away there is a MH security light. The kind on a electric pole, way up high. It shines very bright and most definitely reached the garden. His plants flowered with no problem...How?

ive often wondered about the light from the moon how does it not make hermies like light leaks do indoors?
I've always been a perfectionist with making sure I have absolutely no light leaks, not even a tiny tiny pin hole leak, when it's dark in my room, it's DARK.
I just had to put a new heater in, and the heater has, #1 a digital readout, and #2 a pretty dim red led light ring around the dial you use to set the temp with. So, I am kinda concerned about that...the light is barely even visible, and it's above my light fixture. What you think, should I worry?

Also, on the same subject but a different scenario...
I have a friend who grew a couple plants in his vegetable garden last year, and about 30-40 ft away there is a MH security light. The kind on a electric pole, way up high. It shines very bright and most definitely reached the garden. His plants flowered with no problem...How?


Hi there,

is it possible for to block the red light or just face it in a safe direction..?
I have a heater in my box with a red light, but I heard red light did not effect the plants, Hope not it's the only way I can heat my box.
I have a heater in my box with a red light, but I heard red light did not effect the plants, Hope not it's the only way I can heat my box.

red light will affect the plants if it's bright enough. It's green that doesn't affect them. A simple led on something shouldn't be bright enough to cause any problems though. But if you are worried you can always get a piece of tape and put over the light. A simple yet effective fix.
Thanks for the input guys! I went ahead and cut the LED power and took care of my worries.

I'm still wondering how you can have a giant MH security light 30 ft away shedding pretty bright light on your garden and it flowers fine, with no hermies?

ive often wondered about the light from the moon how does it not make hermies like light leaks do indoors?
the moon does not produce the same wavelengths of light that indoor lights use. Have to remember are eyes dont interrupt light the same way a plant does
the moon does not produce the same wavelengths of light that indoor lights use. Have to remember are eyes dont interrupt light the same way a plant does
But what about a MH security light 30 ft away shining in the garden, with no ill effects, can anyone explain this?
the moon just reflects tiny amounts of light from sun

as for the MH 30' away light disapates exponentionaly as u go further from source so at 30' plnts get about 1/1000 of the light (guesstimation)

i too worried about led reds on electrics during 12/12 but can report no ill effects from 5 little reds in my room at night

also i run a gas heater which has a massive red glow - no ill effects - must be diff wavelength, some of the research i have done points to the poss that flowering in plants could be determined by the infared part of spectrum possibly combined with another specific prt of spectrum

just seems so much conflicting info out there - alot out of date

interesting questions i think u will be a deligent grower keep it up :D gl