how much is too much

how much electricity usage do u think would set off alarms with energy company or the law? like if i had a bill for close to $300 a month, is that going a bit far u think?


Well-Known Member
its all relative. What do your neighbors use, what appliances do you have, are there explanable sources of high electrical use. If your in a big house with decent rooms and everyone leaves two 75w bulbs on all day with a big family with electric dryer/oven/etc, it could hit near 300. so i dont think its obscenely high. but a good question and im sure others will give better answers


Well-Known Member
My brother has three kids and they are always leaving lights on, his summer bill's are around $400-500 a month. He's a non grower.

DJ GreenThumb

Active Member
I always figured I would move into a house live there for a few months run the crap out of everything electrical to establish a baseline with the electric company then run things like normal and start a grow. Luckily I don't have to worry bout it anymore now that I am a card carrying Montanan ;)


Well-Known Member
every home and utility company is different most dont micro manage. a 1000sq foot house with 300 bill not smart but thats not a auto flag either