How much food scraps do you put in your worm bin?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I hope this finds you all well.

So, I have a worm bin, I'm pretty new to having one and I am not sure how much food leftover should I give them. I try to apply thin lairs of food scraps, but lately I've been thinking that maybe I should start giving them a lot more xD.
How much do you guys give to your little red worms?
My containers are I guess medium size? the top is 18'x12'. I think they are 61 liter containers. And to be honest I have no idea how many worms I have. I bought a little tupperware of worms to a guy, he said the tupper had around 60 worms, so I started with that amount, but now I have more because I see little baby worms from time to time when I add more food.
As for quantity Id say maybe a cup a week if you had 4-500 worms.All depends I guess.
Oh man xD, I barely cut the pieces I put in, I thought that was ok since the mites and stuff help break down everything.
Oh and water melon is a fave for these toothless machines.
I do try to put there soft pieces, mango, banana, apple, pitahaya, coffee, etc... I did put broccoli there yesterday, but its the first time I do.
Yoikes! Chop it all up or put it in a blender first.Worms dont have teeth and use grit to help chew.So a dash of some minerals helps.I normally use rock dust as its a fine powder.
I have leonardite, should I add like a tbsp of leonardite to it?
I'll start cutting pieces way smaller from now on. I think I have been giving them around a cup of food evey week, I thought it was too little because the level hasn't rised that much, but then I'll continue with smaller amounts.
I have leonardite, should I add like a tbsp of leonardite to it?
I'll start cutting pieces way smaller from now on. I think I have been giving them around a cup of food evey week, I thought it was too little because the level hasn't rised that much, but then I'll continue with smaller amounts.
Im not sure,google says its easily water soluble so probably not for grit anyway.
I just throw all my organic kitchen scraps except meat, citrus peels and onions in my ghetto bin. After it's covered with food scraps I'll put some shredded grocery bags and a few handfuls of soil to cover it up and start layering again. The worms seem happy.
