How much does an average indoor plant weigh?


Active Member
I'm not asking about YIELD, or how much I can get off each plant.

I want to know how much can I expect a single indoor plant to weigh if it were to be ripped out the pot and put directly on a scale. This includes leaves, stems, roots, the bud, the whole shabang.

Time: 4week veg, 8week flower
Lights: 500w Led (Blackstar)

How much would it weigh right before it went into flowering? Half way into flowering? At the end of flowering?


Well-Known Member
That would all depend on the size of your plant of course. but for a good guess without seeing it and with the information you gave. we could safely say between 8 ounces and 12 pounds. just saying.


Well-Known Member
I say you grow a plant and weigh it along the way. Come back and tell us what you found.


Well-Known Member
I never weighed mine, but I was aware of its weight. Mine probably weight about 4 or 5 pounds each. The plants were about 4 or 4.5 feet tall, topped for four main colas, so four larger stems.