How much does a 480w LED cost per month?

See what your city charges watt per hour should be on back if bill. Think about all the weed you'll grow and save vs how much that costs. was spending 300$ every 2 wks from dispensary that's 7200 dollars a year spent just buying weed. A 4x4 unless you were chief wahoo you could grow a full years worth. But why stop there lol the more weed the merrier.
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See what your city charges watt per hour should be on back if bill. Think about all the weed you'll grow and save vs how much that costs. was spending 300$ every 2 wks from dispensary that's 7200 dollars a year spent just buying weed. A 4x4 unless you were chief wahoo you could grow a full years worth. But why stop there lol the more weed the merrier.
100%... i was just curious what to expect. And yup i got a 4x4! haha

You can't compare to Lenin1917 numbers unless you're neighbors

Electric rates vary wildly throughout the US
My numbers were for the kwh/day of 480w at 12 or 18 hours per day. That’s the same anywhere. Price/kwh will vary though

31days x kwh/day = x
X(price/kwh) = monthly cost
In California it will cost you $60 to $80/month, depending on what time of day you run the lights at.
Man everrrrything is 2x as expensive in California. Plus droughts & wildfires. You do have the most attractive women & best sushi. So i guess there are a few upsides :-)