How much cannabinoids butter can hold?


Well-Known Member
So I've been cooking my trimmings long time now with similar recipe.
All I can fit in the pot without spills and add around 120g of butter of which I can usually get around 100g extracted butter(-salt-whey, so decent recovery rate),
which has been base for many of my cooking recipes.

This time I had bigger harvest and ended up discarding alot more big leaves and kept only the most trichome filled trimmings.
So talked about it with my m8 and and realized I had no idea how much the butter could actually hold cannabinoids.
And so have I been wasting my premium trimmings a bit?
I mean I like the butter to be strong as possible for the convenience of small storage space, as I could just aswell dilute the butter.

Any canna chemists out there?
So I've been cooking my trimmings long time now with similar recipe.
All I can fit in the pot without spills and add around 120g of butter of which I can usually get around 100g extracted butter(-salt-whey, so decent recovery rate),
which has been base for many of my cooking recipes.

This time I had bigger harvest and ended up discarding alot more big leaves and kept only the most trichome filled trimmings.
So talked about it with my m8 and and realized I had no idea how much the butter could actually hold cannabinoids.
And so have I been wasting my premium trimmings a bit?
I mean I like the butter to be strong as possible for the convenience of small storage space, as I could just aswell dilute the butter.

Any canna chemists out there?
It's a fat dilution so there's no drop out limit is my basic chem understanding. Also butter contains about 20-25% water. So in any butter extraction I'd first boil off the water and skim off the milk solids (yummy for toast). Then use it. I'd still add lecithin too.

For further information you could start here for the basics on it:
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It's a fat dilution so there's no drop out limit is my basic chem understanding. Also but contains about 20-25% water. So in any butter extraction I'd first boil off the water and skim off the milk solids (yummy for toast). Then use it. I'd still add lecithin too. hth.

Yes, some water loss as well. The milk solids are probably the whey?

I suppose I'm a lazy country boy since I just put the trimmings in the pot, add water, add butter.
Simmer for 3-4hours and extract the liquids and let it cool.
After that I've sifted the solid butter out and it's ready for use.

Thanks for input, gotta read up on lecithin.