How much alcohol do you drink

How much do u drink

  • Daily

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Once A Week

    Votes: 8 24.2%
  • Monthly

    Votes: 9 27.3%
  • Never

    Votes: 7 21.2%

  • Total voters
So as the title sets it off...

How much alcohol do you drink?

Do you drink daily? once every other day? once a week? monthly?

Be honest


Well-Known Member
I'd say I go down as a daily, during the week I usually sit back on a few mids a night, weekends I can never remember..thats spirit time haha


Well-Known Member
usually on sundays when the family gets together for dinner we've been known to unncork a bottle of wine or 2.


Well-Known Member
Im down as once a month, if that, more like every other month.. Just for special occasions when the family gets together.. Cant exactly go passing the celebatory Bong to my Nan. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Once every other month.

I prefer a few hits over getting drunk. I wake up feeling great and everyone I know moans and mopes around all day Saturday from their hangovers.


Yeah , My drinking was out of controll untill i met the bong. And to be 100% honest with myself i feel so much better for it. Now im a 1-2 beer a night kinda person


Well-Known Member
I drink once a month usually, when im back at college its obviously more but to be honest i dont like drinking. Getting drunk is way to heavy of a buzz for me, it just impairs me too damn much. However it is pretty fun to get drunk once in awhile.


Well-Known Member
drink prob 5 days a week. Only get fucked up 1 out of those 5 per week. I don't think there's anything better than smoking a J and sippin on some brew...


Well-Known Member
i drink daily.. not excessive amounts, like 2-4... but i deffinatly consume more then a case of beer or 26er a week, sum weeks both.... ask my pops, its genetic... thats y im an alky and not a fukkin weed head... ahhah


Well-Known Member
I chose monthly, but thats overstating it. I've drank 2 times so far this year. I've always preferred smoking over drinking.


Well-Known Member
Alchol is fucked makes u feels like shit. 12 years without a drink for me and couldn't be happier about it.
I'll just burn one down every night


Well-Known Member
i drink more than never, but less often than once a month.
few beers a year. maybe a bloody mary once in awhile.
i just dont feel like drinking when i smoke weed.
and i smoke most of the time.


Well-Known Member
i used to go camping and drinking and go to the bars a lot. none for me anymore. this chick named jane keeps me off the liqua.


New Member
I used to drink a 12 pack and a pint of vodka everyday for 2 years, then i went back to the weed, better for ya, now i drink once a week, on Sundays watching football.