How many times can you switch from 18 hours of light to 12 ?


Active Member
Hello guys and gals. Im new to this site and also growing. Anyways im gonna make this as short as possible.
I was growing a seed a found from a bag. I had it in the window for about a month or so, and it was looking like a nice healthy plant. So I decided to see if was a female so I just bought a couple 15 dollar tube grow lights from Home Depot. So I put under that for 12 hrs, and sure enough its a female. So I let I cloned her when it was about a foot high. So then I bought some cherrybomb seeds from a shop and got them going, So now I dont really have enough room under the grow lights. So I went and got two 26watt CFL's and put it under that. Then I wached some you-tube vids and saw all these guys buddin their plants with CLFs. So on some bad advise I went and got 3 more CFLs and rigged up a small box with venting, and put her under 12-12 with 5 CFL,s. So its been under 12 hour light for 3 days now and I can see all the white hairs, just as I did before. So then I talk to a guy who seems to know what he talking about and said I need at least a 200watt CFL to induce budding, and thats what the you-tube people are using , the bulbs looked just like the ones I bought. So stupid me, I should have just left it alone. So im saving for a good CFL or HPS I have not decided. But that's not untill like a month at the least. So my question...... lol Can I put the plant back to 18 hours of light with the 26watt CFL's I got now or will that mess her up , cuz its the second time switching and its almost 2 feet high< Also whats the most effective cheap light I can use to get some good bud off of the seeds that I bought ?
ANY help would be much appreciated. As you already know im completly new at this.
Thnaks again
The NewB
Stay High


Active Member
You do not need 200w to make a plant flower. There is someone on here right now flowering correctly with ONE 26w CFL. Whoever said that is....not right. As long as the light is on 12/12 the plant will flower. Now how much the yield will be and how dense the bud will be IS affected by the amount of light, as I understand.