How Many Sessions Before Your First Real High?


Well-Known Member

I was just sitting here, CHILLEN THE FUCK OUT, lol and I wondered if anyone else had as much of a 'beginners tolerance' to the dope as I had...

I remember smoking joints, little haggard highschool pipes, and YES even bongs lol but what I remember even more vividly is my first real high after about a good 10 times(at least)of smoking... prob. a good two weeks of just headrushes.

But then one night after hockey, my friends and I sessioned. MAJOR effin' body buzz, laughing like a motherfuck, and lots of singing narraration lol...

but yeah j/w if it took anyone else that long to get high .. ?
Got high my first time smoking. I remember having uncontrollable laughter, just rolling on the ground laughing.
well, idk what batch is, but i hit some stuff my father had, after 5 or 6 times of tokin, and i didnt want 2 get off the couch, and i felt like my head was on a ferris wheel, and when it would roll around to the bottom, it felt like i was touching grass, then keep rolling back up where i felt like i was flying., it was just weed, not laced w\ anything, but man, i will never 4get it.
i ripped the bong at 9 years old and got blown as fuck before i even let out the i doubt theres really a begginers tolerance its more along the line that you didnt get good enough rips or maybe you didnt inhale all the way. or maybe you got so high that you dont remember it... lol
wow thats pretty sad honestly. smoking dope should be the last thing on a 9 yr olds mind.
I agree with you 100% but cant go back now. im a pothead now so it really dosnt btw i started because i get narly migranes!
Im a pretty sharp guy that didnt turn out that bad for smoking since i was 9. To tell you the truth it helps me concentrate.
high as fuck the first time, after that me and a mate tried picking up ourselves and just got some brown bag full of shit that just did nothing but leave a charcol taste in our mouths!
high as fuck the first time, after that me and a mate tried picking up ourselves and just got some brown bag full of shit that just did nothing but leave a charcol taste in our mouths!
high the first time too, id prior looked up on the net how to use a bong and how to inhale, and inhale I did!.
The first time I smoked I got high. BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT!

I ripped a few HUGE bong rips to the point that I was coughing and I was sitting at my friends apartment. I was waiting to feel it. I guess all of those years of DARE made me think I was going to see Jerry Bears and midgets dancing around. I was overly analyzing and I think the fact I was bugging out waiting the big moment was somewhat of a buzzkill. So after chilling for an hour or so I packed up and went to my place convinced that I couldn't get high. I was a little hungry cause I skipped dinner and grabbed a scoop of peanut butter. The moment the PB touched my tongue I realized that I was high. I had never tasted anything so amazing in my life.

I think EVERYONE gets high the first time - they just don't know it or are thinking about it waaaaay too much and buzzkill themselves. I was expecting something huge afterall I had heard so much bad stuff about it my whole life. Once I knew what it felt like to be high; it was very easy to "feel" the high again.
It took me two times before I actually got high, I guess it had something to do with how big the hit was and I probably didn't fully inhale.
the first time, I did NOT get high... (and i know I smoked "correctly")... about 3-4 weeks later, i tried again, and further confirmed that i DID NOT get high the first time, cause that second time I was :eyesmoke::eyesmoke::lol:
First few times I smoked I didnt get high. But that was my fault as I didnt know how to inhale properly. Once I had been given a cigg and shown that I wasnt inhaling, I tried a couple bowls and got fuuuucked.
The first time I smoked I got high. BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT!

I ripped a few HUGE bong rips to the point that I was coughing and I was sitting at my friends apartment. I was waiting to feel it. I guess all of those years of DARE made me think I was going to see Jerry Bears and midgets dancing around. I was overly analyzing and I think the fact I was bugging out waiting the big moment was somewhat of a buzzkill. So after chilling for an hour or so I packed up and went to my place convinced that I couldn't get high. I was a little hungry cause I skipped dinner and grabbed a scoop of peanut butter. The moment the PB touched my tongue I realized that I was high. I had never tasted anything so amazing in my life.

I think EVERYONE gets high the first time - they just don't know it or are thinking about it waaaaay too much and buzzkill themselves. I was expecting something huge afterall I had heard so much bad stuff about it my whole life. Once I knew what it felt like to be high; it was very easy to "feel" the high again.

This is exactly my theory I have always tried to explain this to people, but no one seems to understand what I am saying. +rep to you sir.
my first time i smoked i did one sesh and felt nothinggg so i did another 10 min later, nothing. 15 min later, again.....nothing. i was around town for another hour and my mom picked me up and i was dissapointed with no high i was so stoked. half way home it hit me! i was baked!! i think that the first time its just a delayeddd high you know. i smoked like 3.5 grams that day
This is exactly my theory I have always tried to explain this to people, but no one seems to understand what I am saying. +rep to you sir.

I know people who swear they weren't high while I could see with my own eyes that they were STOOOONED.

My wife is infamous for it. She is my favorite high person - but she rarely ever smokes. She will have a huge smile on her face, super lovey dovey, droopy eyed, red eyes, giggling at everything, asking me if I am down for some food and she will swear that she is not high. OOOOOOOOOOOOOO.k. honey.

Same thing with a few of my buddies the first time I smoked them out. Lots of pressure / expectations = no high.

I follow the same procedure with any noob now and they all get high. Tell them to take small hits from a spoon (hit and then almost immediately remove finger from carb and inhale mostly air). As they get a feel for what feels good to them they take increasing hits. When I feel a good buzz after mimicking their hits I tell them they should be good. Then I make some popcorn, get them a large drink with lots of ice and sit down and watch a movie with them. Something REALLY FUNNY and I ignore them (I find people put too much pressure on noobs by continually asking if they are high or if they feel it yet). I just sit and enjoy the movie. Once they sit down, relax, let out a few good laughs and get into the movie they will usually turn to me and say "I think I am high." I then pop a pizza in the oven cause I know that will taste heavenly to them in 15-20 minutes (the smell is great anticipation). I think it is because they stop trying to feel the high and they experience it because their mind is off of it.

Try it, I promise you can get ANYONE high on the first try.
The first time I ever smoked pot was also the time I smoked the most pot in the shortest amount of time. 8 of us in a tent 3 pieces going around, and around, and around, and around, and around. I was kicked out of the tent for laughing too much in the corner and basically hyperventilating. I was hooked from the get-go.

I also find weed to help me concentrate. Obviously I don't go all out, but a couple puffs before studying has always helped me it seems. I say this because in college I look at my GPA from before I smoked to when I smoked a ton. The more I smoked, the better my grades were - rather than drinking and being completely worthless in and after class, I would get my shit done, smoke with my friends, play some video games, and go to bed... a much better night cap for me.

TNRTINR - I have found the same thing from some of my friends. Example: On 420 this past year my friends and I bought an ounce to make a big batch of cookies. We gave one of em to a friend who doesn't smoke. He went to class and kept texting me that it wasn't working, wasn't working. He comes over after class to watch TV or whatever, I look at his eyes - fireengine red. We get like 10 mins into Jeopardy and he is passed out on the futon... not high my ass.
Shit first time I got high well tried nothin..I was13... I think that shit was bullshit anyway then about 2 years later i tried again, I was fukd up beyond blowed I took more then 6 hits from a bong, held it in as long as I cud, let's jus say I had way more then I shudve for being a noob lol
TNRTINR - I have found the same thing from some of my friends. Example: On 420 this past year my friends and I bought an ounce to make a big batch of cookies. We gave one of em to a friend who doesn't smoke. He went to class and kept texting me that it wasn't working, wasn't working. He comes over after class to watch TV or whatever, I look at his eyes - fireengine red. We get like 10 mins into Jeopardy and he is passed out on the futon... not high my ass.

Funny you should mention that. First time I ate brownies my buddy kept asking me if I was feeling it. I kept saying no, this goes on for about an hour and a half. He is just antsy telling me how he was feeling it and how fucked up I was going to be etc.

As soon as I gave up trying to feel it / thinking about it and we were just bullshitting I felt it come on like a fucking freight train.