How many plants could I put under this light...


Well-Known Member
"Cramming" a bunch of plants under insignificant light can yield you just as much as a couple well grown plants under the same light.... Something to think about... IMO 1-3 plants for that light...:eyesmoke:

You could go HPS and get alot more light off amazon or ebay if you have that much to spend. 400w HPS start at $120 or less... Unless you're fixated on LED... to each their own...


Well the reason I was gonna go with LED was they put off alot less heat and use alot less electricity. Plus I don't really know how to do the electrical work to put a HPS in the house.


Well-Known Member
gotta agree with km... that light is way too expensive, you could get a really good HPS/MH combo package off amazon for half the price...

but if you go with the LED, post your result, im interested the LED growing light, heard its good with temps and electricity..

"Cramming" a bunch of plants under insignificant light can yield you just as much as a couple well grown plants under the same light.... Something to think about... IMO 1-3 plants for that light...:eyesmoke:

You could go HPS and get alot more light off amazon or ebay if you have that much to spend. 400w HPS start at $120 or less... Unless you're fixated on LED... to each their own...


Well-Known Member
yea, me too, i have been wondering this for awhile as well... hope someone can give the inside info

Well the reason I was gonna go with LED was they put off alot less heat and use alot less electricity. Plus I don't really know how to do the electrical work to put a HPS in the house.


Well-Known Member
That's true, they're just out of my price range so I have no experience with LED, but have seen some great results from them. However they were alot more powerful than the one you are looking at... As far as electrical work with a HPS, none is involved... You hang your hood/light socket (usually come with hangers).. connect to ballast, plug ballast in wall. Some even have built in ballast so you just plug into the wall... especially if you are doing a small personal grow and only need one light.


Well-Known Member
That is a 400w HPS just like I was referring to, LED wholesaler is just the company selling it... That's a HPS/MH light though and would work great. I'd say you could easily grow out 4- 9 plants...


How hot is that going to get...temp outside are up to 104 degrees making my house hotter...

And how much electricity is that going to use up. I heard if your electricity bill shoots up they red flag you.


Well-Known Member
Well that last link you posted, if you went with that exact one it comes with the 6'' cool tube, which will help with your heat issue, also just adding a fan to your grow room... and having one light will not increase your electric usage to anywhere near what they would red flag you for. Maybe a $20 a month spike on your monthly bill if that


Alright awesome bro I think thats the one i'm gonna use then.

Anymore tips you have will be appreciated. This is just my first step to doing this lol. Need to pick a soil (which is going to be hard) there are now hydro shops here. Need to figure out where to get that reflectant material to surround the room. And anything else i'm not sure about yet LOL.


Well-Known Member
Alright awesome bro I think thats the one i'm gonna use then.

Anymore tips you have will be appreciated. This is just my first step to doing this lol. Need to pick a soil (which is going to be hard) there are now hydro shops here. Need to figure out where to get that reflectant material to surround the room. And anything else i'm not sure about yet LOL.
Good luck to you man... That light is a great one to start with... You'll probably upgrade as you get into it. If you're able to order off amazon you can get alot of stuff you need if you have no local hydro shops... I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil which is available on amazon... That material is called mylar, you could use that or save some $$ and just paint your grow room flat white...


Where i'm growing it I can't paint. Have to build a fake wall (can only use half a room). So basically I was thinking putting ply wood up halfing the room then the walls in there are dark brown and i'm not painting it again LOL. So I was going to line the "grow room" with the foil looking stuff.


Active Member
Def go with the HPS becuz that 63w light ur only gonna be able to do 1-2 plants..But Blackstar has decent LED's for nice prices u can get a 240w for 270ish shipped to u and get a 100w for alittle over a bill...But if u can deal with the HPS heat get it...I have a 600w quatum ballast and cool tube and it rocks just gets alittle hot when outside temps hit 85-90+...GL


Active Member
Take into consideration that you will need to most likely run an air conditioner on top of air cooling and a inline fan that moves at least 160 cfm. As far as your electric bill, here in MI a 400w would raise the bill around $25 but that doesnt include high power fans and AC so expect a higher bill. As far as the blackstar light goes, 2 to 4 plants with yields of 2-4 OZ dried depending on strain and tweeking. I have done my LED research and am personaly going to get 2 blackstars. A good bang for buck and the units should pay for themselves in a single year compared to a 400w hps with decent cooling and AC on.


The room is a 2 car garage converted into a large room with central heat and air running to it (2 vents) 2 over head fans. 104 degrees outside. Probably stays 80 degrees or so. I'm curious to know how much the heat will raise in there with that HPS light. When the temps go down it stays pretty cool in there so and the light will keep it warm in there so it will be perfect.

I have a small window unit I can put in there but trying to avoid that if possible prbably won't be able to avoid it in the summer.