How many OZ with 3 gallon Pot?


Active Member
So I'm kinda worried that our 3 gallon pots will not be good enough to produce a decent amout yield.

We have 3 plants. Each in a 3 gallon pot. Fox Farm Ocean Forest.

I'd like to at least get 1 ounce from each.

Is this possible?

ALSO, how do you keep the plant from getting too tall. I want it to get bushier, not tall and thin. Doesthat all have to do with the position of the light from the plant? Or other factors?

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
a 3 gallon pot should be good for a very nice plant.

i found these links in the growfaqs. spend some time in there reading and it will answer most of your questions. these links will help you keep them shorter and bushier. there are other ways too, just have to find them.