How Many Of You Tie to Stakes?


Well-Known Member
Whats up everyone. Id like to know how many of you have to tie some of your branches to stakes because they're so heavy. Just curious how common it is to do this indoors.


Active Member
i have 4 of my 7 in flower cab staked but im in last couple weeks flower so they really pack weight on round this time. i regularly have to stake plants late in flower.


Active Member
depends on the strain im growing at the time and the height of the plant. doesent really matter as long as it supports the weight....


Well-Known Member
mine usually dont need to be staked untill the last couple weeks either, they slowly start to list outwards, not all of a sudden fall down, in my experience if i tie them up early and dont let them stand on their own then they get weaker, if they stand alone the grow stronget out of necessity again opinion


Well-Known Member
Cool, well Ill look to tie them to stakes later, Im in week 4 of flower right now.
Thanks for the help.