how many mother do you need for 10 clones


Active Member
Hey guy's quick question. How many clones can you pull from a single plant. I know it's dependent on size, strain, etc but I would like to hear your experiences.

Specifically I would like to know how many mothers of any given physical specs could produce 120 clones. I'm new to growing and my goal is to start a bigger grow using 120 after I get a little more experience under my belt and feel more familiar/comfortable with the process. Right now I have one grow under my belt but would still like to compile some more information so that my transition will be that much smoother. Thanks guys this is a great forum.


Active Member
You can really strip the mothers really hard and recover with no real problems.

As an added bonus, you can grow your mothers in 24 hour/light veg state, so you can really get them as tall and bushy as you have room for.

In my experiece, I've found it functional to pull 5 or 6 clones from an 8" plant. If your mother was several feet, I'd think you could pull at least 20 really good clones.

You'd think 3 or 4 mothers under 24hr light would do you up just fine.

And that's if you pull 120 clones at one time. Usually, in a larger installation like you're considering, growers are cycling plants thru stages of growth. That would mean that you're only starting a portion of the 120 every few weeks.

Al B. Fuct showed a nice config of this on his "harvest every 2 weeks" thread. Here's a link to the specific page...

btw... everyone I've ever discussed the issue with and every thread I've read seems to end with "yea... I'm swimming in clones".

My 2 cents.



Active Member
Not long... I'd give it a month to be safe... but you can usually get away with chopping up to 2/3 of your plant for cloing. As your plant gets larger, you can really get a ton of clones from it.


Well-Known Member
be sure the mother is in the vegetative state. every clone you take off of her has the same genetic age. meaning if you clip some clones while she starts to flower, those clones will be budding soon after.

-Good luck!


Active Member
To be fair.. you can clone a flowering plant... it's just a pain in the ass because you have to support the cutting for about 3 weeks while it shifts from flowering stage to veg before it roots.