How many generations of a plant


Can someone tell me how many times you can clone the same strain? Do you loose the potency of the plant with each generation or can you do this to continue the strain without any problems.


Well-Known Member
No lose that I can tell, I know an old head whose been cloning the same strain for over a decade. If you search around you'll see more examples of this on RIU.


Active Member
Theoretically, forever as long as the main plants remain loved and healthy. I don't think there is any initial genetic degredation anytime soon, I remember reading about a guy who exceeded 9 generations from the same original mother with no noticable loss ... that genetic route is still continuing. I don't mean all from the same mother, I mean the original mother was cloned, that clone was cloned, then cloned, then that clone cloned etc.

As long as you continue health and love, theoretically its not something to worry about.


Active Member
Yeah I can believe it too. Lot of variables that can affect them, but if you're doing it right, it goes to show what is possible.


Well-Known Member
Just a little something to consider!

A clone isn't an offsping, in the reproductive sense, it's the same plant! It has the same genes! It is the same phenotype! Nothing has changed - it's the same damn plant!

"Generations" are irrelavent - it's the same plant! whether you keep the same Mother Plant for ten years, or replace it every time you make a new clone for ten years - it's the same plant!

It's not like when you use an office Copy Machine, then make a copy - of a copy - of a copy; of course each copy gets more and more degraded. Because the machine is trying to duplicate the image which has already been distorted by the previous copy cycle.

A clone isn't a copy of the Mother plant, so there is no degrading. It is a part of the Mother plant that keeps on growing, on it's own!


Well-Known Member
I like clones over seeds overall. Don't do what I did and not clone what I thought was a bad strain. It rocked..trying to save the line atm.