How many gallons of feed should I use per gallon of soil?


Active Member
I'm feeding once a week and watering once a week. I'm in day 36 of flower and I'm using jacks classic blossom booster. I'm mixing 1 tbsp per gallon of water. The plant I'm using it for is in about 8 gallons of soil. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Mix per the directions, and mix enough water so that your pots fill up and start seeping out the drainholes.

I'm day 36 flower as well, and I do:

- full nutes
- full water
- half nutes

...every three days. My plants are liking that regimen. I've got 3 x 3.5 gallon pots, and one gallon of feed mix saturates all the pots, then I split a 1/2 gallon across all three after about 15 minutes of the water dripping out of the bottom (the 1/2 gallon stays in the pot once they're already saturated).



Well-Known Member
If your watering only once per week in soil, your over watering your plant. or your plant is sick and not up-taking water.
Do you mean under watering? The cycle seems pretty good to me... feed, then 3.5 days later straight water, then 3.5 days feed etc.



Well-Known Member
Do you mean under watering? The cycle seems pretty good to me... feed, then 3.5 days later straight water, then 3.5 days feed etc.

My bad. I thought it was just once. ok 2x's that's perfect man. Looking good.:bigjoint:
sorry again