How many days(weeks?) left?


Well-Known Member
Those are beautiful and no not a trick of light. Do you already have the rot to be fighting it? If so, cut that part out at least. It spreads fast. If you don't have it yet and they are covered from the rain, just watch close. It happens fast!


Well-Known Member
They do in fact have the rot... I've been snipping and disinfecting for a couple days now. This one was the worst:View attachment 1830193 They are covered but it's been raining for almost 2 weeks, and even when it's not raining the humidity doesn't dip below 80% anymore... They aren't huge plants either, so I don't know how long I can continue cutting away at the rot and still have something left. That's why I'm curious how much longer I should expect til the finish-line.


Well-Known Member
I'm in th PDX area and you just described my painful ordeal. I put up a thread a few days ago about chopping three weeks early. Had to do it, and so do you.....if you want to salvage anything. The humidity is eating them up. Good luck!

PS, those are very sexy, and will still be good!


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead and chop. They look like they have about 2 weeks left. I had the same problem with my cotton candy. I had to chop her 2 weeks early and I have been high around the clock from it! By the looks of yours, you will be too.


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and took 'em... It figures, today ended up bright and sunny in Eugene, Oregon, but the rot had already set it... even one day later, you can see it was spreading. Man are they beautiful!

I'm really glad I reposted about this mess in the Outdoor forum.. The responses from the Newbie forum were not making me feel very confident. They weren't very large plants so I figured that any additional gain in weight or potency would be lost to rot in the end. I wish I had had the chance to flush, but hell, what are you gonna do? It was a mostly organic grow, so I'm hoping it won't be a big deal.

Thank you guys for giving me the gumption (via your own horror stories) to just do it.. I knew it needed to be done.

Now, off to the Harvesting/Curing forum!



Well-Known Member
Had the same problem in maine. Had to chop a few strains a wk or 2 early.
Made sure to keep the fan on them and watch them closely while hang drying. I also picked off any questionable buds so that it didn't contaminate the rest of the bud. Looks like yours will be just fine to smoke!

and thanks to whoever created salem witch weed, as that had very little problem with mold/rot