How many days should i keep my plants underneath the shade before i give them full sunlight ?


Active Member
I've had my plants acclimating to the sun for around 4 days and I've been keeping them under a tree in a shady area and I'm worried about putting them under full sun because I dont want to burn them but I know i need to start getting them used to the sun should I give them acouple hours of sunlight today and see how they do?



Well-Known Member
I've had my plants acclimating to the sun for around 4 days and I've been keeping them under a tree in a shady area and I'm worried about putting them under full sun because I dont want to burn them but I know i need to start getting them used to the sun should I give them acouple hours of sunlight today and see how they do?
The brighter your inside lights, the shorter time to harden off. From as little as 3-4 days for serious lighting systems, all the way to over a week if using LED's. And yes, just give them a little more sun and less shade each day. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I never hardened my plants cause I didnt know you were supposed to, soon as I see sun I'll bring them out and leave em there till the sun sets then bring em back in under the 600w hps and they seem to do fine, been doing this for a couple weeks now.


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