How many 75watt Equivalent bulbs do i need for just one plant ?

Ok so my grow set up is in a Aquairum Tank standing upright
I have a Poster board sign thingy with a chandiler light holder tht has three lights going into a standard house plug and i have another two light fixture tht are fixed on being lights too the bottom branches

The door is a poster board ducttaped onto the tank to open like actual door and on the door it has one fan , i know i need to get more ... and it has black felt in the middle of the door to make it light proof the fan i have now is rushless but my other fans arent and i need it too be silent and light proof and so far i have suceeded with tht , I'm in the process of lighting still i have exaclty five fixtures i can fill with lights but I wanna get enough for just on plant in a 6inx6in pot i dont need the plant to be big its just for personal use .

Im wondering how many 75watt equilants do i need for just a seedling ?

thanks and i know the 5000 lumens per square foor so im guessing around 3 75 watters for now .. right?

THANKS for all your guys help (::-P


Active Member
Ya equivalent doesnt mean much, i believe that would be 19 watters. For one seedling, i would do atleast 2 depending how long before you switch lights
Idk the actual wattage i think its like 13 watt cfl thats equivalent to 75 Im not sure i have'nt went out to buy them i know i need to get the cool white for vegging though , Should i go with the 23 watters instead if so how many at the least should i get , i wanna try and get the 13 watt cfls so my grow area does'nt get hott , I am able to leave the door open on it at night though if that helps any .
Nvm there 20 watt cfls equivalent too 75 watt im sorry I had to think about what was on the box and it had 1200 lumens so should i get like three or four? to start off with?