how long


Well-Known Member
how long can seeds germinate before they die
In my experience it usually takes about 3 or 4 days to germinate. Some seeds have tougher shells and may take much longer. I've heard of it taking up to 2 weeks for germination. It really just depends on the seed. If you have one that won't germinate give it plenty of time and it may surprise you. Best of luck my friend.


Well-Known Member
are you asking about a seed that hasnt rooted yet, or a seed that has and keeps going, forgotten about?

some times it takes seeds along time to crack open, but if there in a warm wet dark place it shouldnt take any longer than a week

i suppose hypothetically a seed could germinate for a week or two before it starts to rot and die, but if you care about your seeds just put them in the ground and dont worry about this


I germed a big batch of autos in rockwool cubes and only 4 did not sprout. After an extra week, I stuck the whole tray on a shelf with the dome on and forgot about them. Two weeks later I happened to notice they had sprouted. They were probably a few day up before I noticed, so that means they took over 3 weeks. Remember, seeds in nature lie dormant until the following season.