How long VEG for?


Hey, Im still super inexperienced and am growing right now, plants are about 5 weeks in veg from seedlings. I am wondering how long people usually VEG for, and what the reasons are.


Well-Known Member
im no pro but i may be able to help.. whats your set up and harvest goals?? thats the first point of attack. clones or seed etc..


Active Member
The decision of how long to veg is directly related to the size available and the lights that plant will have access to. As a rule, plants tend to increase in height 200% within the first three weeks after flowering. It has been my experience that weed vegged longer is more potent and has bigger bugs, but this may be directly related to size.

Most people dont veg for too long, i vegged once for 17 days only after germination. If you look at my last post, those photos I put up are of plants from seeds that vegged for 7 weeks.


Active Member
if your going to mother you should keep plants in veg state until you harvest the clippings. You may need to flower the plants and check for pistols to sex them if you are unsure; they can be revegged by reverting the light to 18/6, 24/0. However, they will be somewhat shocked for about two weeks


veg atleast a month....or even better untill your plants produce alternating internodes wich means they are sexually mature