How long untill harvest ?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, here are pictures of my trichomes, the buds are really not that ripe tbh, but dunno what to think when i look at the trichomes.

i want like 25/75 ratio of amber to cloudy/milky

should i give them like week or two, or even more ?

thanks for the input !

Check the calyx not the leaf buddy. Leaves will ripen up to a few weeks before the actual calyx. Look for swelling and crowning of the calyx aswell.


Check the calyx not the leaf buddy. Leaves will ripen up to a few weeks before the actual calyx. Look for swelling and crowning of the calyx aswell.
oh okay, my bad man ! :) i thought it doesnt matter, so should i tear the calyx of the bud or check it on-plant ? its kinda hard with that scope i have


bud bootlegger
how about some pix of the whole plant? i for one would rather take a guess by looking at the whole plant and not just a tric shot..


bud bootlegger
it looks very nice, but definitely not ready yet..
i like to wait until i notice that most of the pistils, hairs, have receded back into the bud.. i notice in your pix that you still have tons of white hairs that haven't even changed color yet, never mind receding back into the buds.. also, once the pistils have receded, the calyx will start to swell nice and fat..
if i had to take a guess, i'd say that you've still got a good three weeks or so left on them..


bud bootlegger
okay great ! should i still give them nutes like PK13/14 or should i start flushing right away ? :)
jesh, nothing like opening up a big old can o'worms, lol.. sorry, but flusing is a hotly debated topic around these parts.. i happen to fall on the side that says that flushing does nothing to improve what ever it is the flushing crowd says that it improves..
they're your plants, but if you want first hand experience, i suggest that you can try your hand at flushing a few of them and not flushing a few, dry, cure and smoke and compare the results..


bud bootlegger
ie, i'd continue to feed them.. you can back off a bit on the nutes in the last few weeks from what you've been feeding them though if you'd like to..


Well-Known Member
There you go guys, i hope that i took a photo of trichs on calyx

Yeah def not ready 100% Getting close though, What racerboy said is correct about flushing. I have been on a few threads with him on flushing.. and it is a very touchy subject lol. I personally cut back on nutes and then feed water normally. Only time i dump tons of water in my pots or soils is salt buildup and shit gets locked out. It is entirely up to you, But personally, Don't fall into the bullshit stigma "you need to flush" Doing that can actually hurt yields.


Thanks for all your input guys ! will give them a little bit of nutes today then and wait for another like 2 or 3 weeks, after a week i will update you with a new photo of my girls :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all your input guys ! will give them a little bit of nutes today then and wait for another like 2 or 3 weeks, after a week i will update you with a new photo of my girls :)

Right on man, Just cut back on them a bit, And from now on until harvest, check them everyday with your scope/loupe, once they start changing it isn't long.


Hey guys !

Its going to get pretty wet this week, i noticed some bud rot at few places, nothing major, i snipped it off and got rid of it, buds are starting to get really ripe and big, i was thinking about giving them this last week and then harvest them, what do you think ?

Let me know if you want some pictures, whether its trich picture or plants pictures :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys !

Its going to get pretty wet this week, i noticed some bud rot at few places, nothing major, i snipped it off and got rid of it, buds are starting to get really ripe and big, i was thinking about giving them this last week and then harvest them, what do you think ?

Let me know if you want some pictures, whether its trich picture or plants pictures :)

Can you keep moiusture out of the area your plants are? Like can you put a portable-ish greenhouse frame wrapped in plastic?


Well-Known Member
i dont have any greenhouse apparently :/ the plants are really big, more than 3m

Wow those look nice bud, good job.

Well, Personally (all on your preference) I live in new england so i deal with botrytis all the fucking time. And i usually wrap them in plastic, but since you don't have that, and those are pretty tall, Im guessing their straight grounded? Not in pots at all right? I cant tell by the pics haha. if they are in pots and you have a way to move them you can put them in a garage/shed for the dark period. if not too tall/heavy

By the looks of it, they are for sure getting close. In fact they are almost looking to be in the what i call "emergency harvest window"
They for sure could use more time no doubt, but mother nature plays no mercy at times, How the trichs on them?

I personally do not play gamble with bud rot. I always cut my losses before it gets too bad.

Can you get/spend the spare $ on a few 2x4s and some plastic to build a enclosed box? (Even though, seems you would have a big area to cover?)


I might look at my garage, maybe we do have something to cover it with, should i cover only the top or from every side, to create a box ?

let me check the trichs on-plant right now, will upload a picture in a few moments :)