how long until harvest- guestimation


Well-Known Member
hey everyone, i have 3 semi pollinated plants, a supposedly kush seed i bought for $7.50 (the one in the green bucket), a seed from a afgani mom and a hermi indica dad (the small one with 2 in the tupperwear container) the big one in the cnt is a bagseed, all have been semi pollinated useing a mix of 50/50 hybrid male pollen and auto indica pollen

has been 12/12 from seed

how long until i can smoke a fat joint?- even if i only get a gram or 2, it's just something to get cheap/free seeds and if i get weed, it's a bonus lol



Active Member
wait until the hairs are a brown sugar color then cure the bud. and just wondering why did you pollinate all plants?


Well-Known Member
thank you for the quick reply, i wanted seeds but never wanted to pay loot, this way i have a few dece, fresh f1 seeds with a variety of genetics, i heard f1 grows 25% faster, and better adapt to any environmental stress over future generation's before degrading over time if inbred, im hopeing to devolop my own strain that will finish before frost and handle extreme ph fluctuations decently, i figure the more genetics in the genepool the more chance for a interesting mutation

if you had to guess, how many weeks until harvest?


Well-Known Member
you cant reall guess, just wait until your trichs start to go a foggy milky white or just start to go amber


Active Member
hmm i see and yeah just wait till it all just looks dank. if ya know what i mean. anywhere from a brown sugar to a maple bar color.