How long to legalize???

My Brother inlaw writes for a local magazine in the city I live in...and he wrote and article about the growing trend in the Pot world.....Basiclly He was talkin about how We are in a time of major change as far as the marijuana laws in our country...Just to get a disscussion going... How long do you guys honestly think it will be before they legalize it? Or do you truly believe that one day we will be able to toke freely? I personally beleive that it is going to happen.....maybe in 5 to 10 years.....Everything is moving in the proper direction for this to the same time I have mixed feelings about it.....Will it take the fun out of it? Will you continue to smoke daily in the privacy of your home or frequent a hash bar instead.....I know one thing Good bud wont be so hard to
i heard theres a something really big in November for it to be legalized in cali for recreational use but it mite be a rumor


Active Member
I can name 3 states that will be the last 2 adopt, GA, UT and ID...hopefully in my lifetime, or if I get rich I'll buy another place in Montana where its kinda legal.