How long till the pollen sticks and start seeds ?

Mr Benardi

Active Member
Im growing 3 auto outside on my balcony. Im making regs seeds putting photoperiod panama dragon male pollen on 1 auto bruce banner fem and 2 auto purple hazes feminized.
Im at 35 days from seed. Looks like half size buds. I brought my Bruce inside under my philizone 150w led light to pollinated her.
I was about to keep it in for the day and bring it out tonight since there will be no rain
for the next 2 days. Should I keep it longer so the pollen has a.better chance to stick ?
Whats the minimum time for it to work ?
I got space inside for only one plant since their getting big. I have to do the others soon before the buds gets to big to grow mature seeds and I got a 2 day window. The wind is very mild. What do you guys think ?
I asked similar here and was told it would take pretty fast. Like less than a day but I forgot the exact answer. 1 hour? Did you paint pollen on with a brush? I'm still wanting to make absolutely sure so I put paper envelope around the individual buds, turned off all fans and leave for 3 days. Then soaked envelope and target buds with sprayer water and removed envelope. I probably noticed difference on those buds within 2 weeks that hairs are receding which is when you know it worked. So in answer to your q I think pistols are sticky and pollen sticks immediately and youre probably good then as long as doesnt get wet. Do inside with no fan and paint it on with a brush. Or if do whole plant put whole in plastic bag and insert clouds worth of pollen. Don't leave plastic on too long or humidity might go to 100% and kill pollen. good luck!
I like to give any pollination 24hrs before doing anything...that's just what ive seen the most online,24hrs. After that it either took or it didnt so on with life.