How long should I keep buds drying


New Member
Hey guys
First timer here! Appx. How long should I leave my branches to dry? I got a small first crop but 2 great colas


Well-Known Member
here is an exert from a very well written write up on this site:

On the day of your harvest... you need to do the following: Hang your buds up.. with some type of string/thread or even fishing line will work. Hang them up.. and ONLY let them dry.. until ONLY the outer sides of the buds feel dry.. AND.. the stem BENDS (might even crack some and thats okay) but doesn't BREAK. (if the stem breaks in two when bent.. you have "over dried" the buds.. or in other words.. you have let out too much if not all of the buds moisture content.. and its pretty much too late now.. it can be fixed.. but its a pain in the ass.. and no matter if it gets fixed or not.. the final product will NOT taste/smell/smoke like it would have if done properly.)
credit goes to ganjaluvrs for the write-up and can be found here...excellent read IMO...

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Depending on temperature & humidity times vary.I hang mine for 4 days trim and another day on a nylon screen dryer.Some snap a small branch as a way to tell if it is dry but this method seems to leave mine a bit to dry.mine hit the jars @ about 67% humidity and burping them twice a day for a month they hopefully end up around 60%humidity.I used the boveda humidity control packs this year and am happy so far with them.