how long left?


Well-Known Member
how long left on this girl?
its around 45% orange hairs atm, and there are orange spots all over it, lookin for more of a head fuck off this plant.
currently 8 weeks into flowering, let us know what you think


Well-Known Member
how long left on this girl?
its around 45% orange hairs atm, and there are orange spots all over it, lookin for more of a head fuck off this plant.
currently 8 weeks into flowering, let us know what you think
They are looking good, I would go another 2 weeks and maybe 3

My opinion :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i think u got a while to go man! those nugs r still covered in white hairs. i c a LIL amber but NOTHING sufficient tho. give it a few weeks man have patients.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the input lads :) and riddleme its been ages since i've heard from you.
Hobbes, what would you say they were at at the moment?

And fuzzy and co, i think i'll take your advice and wait it out a bit more, i predict in a week from now, 80% of the hairs will be orange


Well-Known Member
what hobbes said.. i'd stop worryin bout how long and let her tell u when she finishes, and they sell those microscopes at radioshack, so u should be able to find one.. and it kinda looks like u have some sort of problem with the leaves.. ph maybe?
but i;d say atleast 4 weeks.


Active Member
so what colour would you guys say the trichs are atm? picture 4. there some orange tint in there
The picture isn't magnified enough to tell. A scope would be your best option but here's a few tips if you can't get one- 1-your strain has sativa in it. You can tell by the numerous amounts of small leaves. I've had a sativa in the past flower for 120 days. Your lady isn't ready yet. 2- nearly all the hairs are white still. To get the effect you are looking for, just about all the hairs should be red. 3- Your lady isn't swollen enough. When ready, your lady will look swollen almost like it is ready to burst and the false seedpods should look like they have seeds in them. I would say you have like 3 more weeks. Hope this helps! Happy growing :)


Well-Known Member

- Mighty the fourth pic seems to be of leaves, on which the trichomes will turn amber before those on the buds'. You can't go by those trichs if they are from leaves.

- Like the other folks I'd say 2-4 weeks to ripeness window.

- If you don't have a scope there are other indicators of ripeness: bulging buds that look like they're going to explode from the colas, colas look swelled; the trichs look sandy from a few feet away; fan leaves are turning yellow and dying. There's a holistic approach, but I'd always rely on a scope before chopping.

- The pistols should be dark but they will turn dark, die and fall out, grow back in white and turn dark again. Good indicator but they don't produce or hold cannaboids, go by the trichs.

