How long have u vegged in 3gallon pot?


Well-Known Member
My dirt plants are vegged for one month in 1 gallon pots and moved to 3 gallon pots for flower. I'm not sure if that is the info you're looking for.
i've got a couple that have been in a 3 gal for 5 months, still kickin! of course no where near as big as the same strain in 7-10gal.


Well-Known Member
I veg until the plant show's sex...then i flower, no matter what size pots i'm using...but i usually use 5 gallon buckets.


I did my last grow in three gallons i veged for a month and a half and they grew to 5 ft so at a month they should be bout three ft


Well-Known Member
I veg in 1/2 gallon for 60 days. :) I might do it differen't next time though, just to avoid the doubters. :D FOr real though, I would veg in a 3gal as long as you want, it will be fine.


The rule of thumb is 1 foot for every gallon so a 3 gallon i would veg to 2 ft then start your 12/12 by the time the plants are done they should round 3 ft. If you grow too big your plant will be more likely to get stressed out.


Well-Known Member
The rule of thumb is 1 foot for every gallon so a 3 gallon i would veg to 2 ft then start your 12/12 by the time the plants are done they should round 3 ft. If you grow too big your plant will be more likely to get stressed out.
That ain't true...i had a 2 gallon container...and i still ended up with a 6 foot bitch. It is strain dependant on how tall it will grow.

And the general rule of thumb is that a plant will stretch 1-4x the plants veg height!


Well-Known Member
I veg to about 24" in 1g pots, then transplant to 5g for flowering. I inspect the rootballs thoroughly each transplant and have yet to see anything rootbound. I suspect they would grow faster in larger pots, but where I want them 24" when I start flowering, and I have to wait for the current crop to get harvested before I can move the next batch into the flower room, I really don't want them growing any faster than they do now.


that ain't true...i had a 2 gallon container...and i still ended up with a 6 foot bitch. It is strain dependant on how tall it will grow.

And the general rule of thumb is that a plant will stretch 1-4x the plants veg height!
i grew 6 ft plants in 3 gal pots but it dont mean that they wouldnt be happier and have a higher yeild than the smaller pots. In my last grow i put a mj in a 9 gallon pot just to see if it made a difference i had 9 oz of it wen the ones in 3 gallons had a yeild of 4 oz or less. The overall vigor of the plant in the 3 gallon failed to caompare with the 9 gallon pot and they were the same age


Well-Known Member
i grew 6 ft plants in 3 gal pots but it dont mean that they wouldnt be happier and have a higher yeild than the smaller pots. In my last grow i put a mj in a 9 gallon pot just to see if it made a difference i had 9 oz of it wen the ones in 3 gallons had a yeild of 4 oz or less. The overall vigor of the plant in the 3 gallon failed to caompare with the 9 gallon pot and they were the same age
I didn't say anything about yield...just rather making a point that it won't matter the size of pot you grow in...the plant will always stretch, and depending on genetics, it could stretch alot.

And plants that have more room to grow roots in are always happier, i already knew that. Having a big strong root system already built up for flowering will always produce more yields.


Well-Known Member
strain has allot to do with how much the plant will stretch, i have 2 strains growing in the same conditions next to each other and 1 strain is double in height as the other one.


New Member
No matter what the pot size is the plant will ALWAYS meet or outgrow the size of the pot, regardless of size of pot, they WILL meet that size in height & width of foliage, upto 6ft+ in diameter pot size the plant WILL meet the size of pot ‍♂….EVERYTIME