How long do seeds last if not used ?


Active Member
I've been thinking about doing a small grow for myself. I have these Northern Light seeds which I bought at least one year ago and they've been sitting unused since that time. Are they still good to use ?

I will obviously find out when I plant them, but I wanted to know before I bought some items and I started to make my little grow box.



should be fine, i used old ass bagseed and they germinated.


Active Member
Thanks, I'll be picking up the supplies soon, and I'll post back if my grow goes ok. It'll be my first grow.


Active Member
Here's an update to my question. I finally started to germinate some of my NL seeds and no luck so far. I think they might be too old. I found out that I purchased them about 2 1/2 years ago, so they were a little bit older than I first thought. I placed 4 of them in peat pellets in a dark cabinet and 3 in a mug of sterilized water on top of a cable box for warmth. The peat pellets are 5 days in and so far nothing, I've kept them moist, but not overly wet. The seeds in the water have sunk to the bottom after I tapped them, but no roots, cracks or anything yet after almost 3 days. I'll give both methods a few more days, and if nothing happens, I guess I'll just have to order some new, fresh seeds. I also bought a small cabinet for my grow, and I'll be ready to go as soon as I get lucky with germinating at least a couple of seeds.